Posts: 69
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

I live in an apartment complex that has quiet hours beginning at ten o'clock at night. My neighbors below me blast their music well past this time. Last night their music was playing until one o'clock in the morning. I have told the manager about this in the past, but all she did was call the tenant and told them that I complained. This tenant then lied and said they were out of town. The manager came back to me and said I must be confused and the noise must be coming from somewhere else. I have pressed my ear to the floor and know where the loud music is coming from. I know from reading reviews online about my apartment complex that this manger becomes very defensive if anyone complains about anything (even if it's valid). It makes me wonder if she even contacted my neighbor. What would be the best way to handle this situation? Thanks in advance.

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Check your lease for an escape clause.

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I would write out a complaint to the owners of the building and cc the manager.

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Are you the same Tink who posted fairly frequently years ago in Anything Goes?

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Record the noise and play it for your manager. That way he/she cannot say it was coming from somewhere else.

If all else fails, call the police.

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Call the cops. You can report anonymously.

Was Yuban, then changed to Plaid Pants due to forum upgrade, and apparently, I'm back to being Yuban.
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You can also check out your local noise ordinance and call the non-emergency police number to have them shut it down if they're in violation. I live in a single family home and have had to do that with a particular neighbor behind me, even my neighbors across the street and up one house could hear it from like a football field away! I like my music loud sometimes, too, but not to the point that it disturbs other people. Not sure how this works with an apartment complex, but it seems reasonable that it would fall under local ordinances. Just tell them you don't want anyone to know who complained, and they should keep it confidential--I haven't had any problems with that.

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I've had to deal with this many years ago. I was told to call 911. I said, "Are you sure?" She said yes, call 911. It may be different where you are but call the cops.

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On 3/30/2014 RedConvertibleGirl said:

I've had to deal with this many years ago. I was told to call 911. I said, "Are you sure?" She said yes, call 911. It may be different where you are but call the cops.

ITA It may take an hour or so before they come out. But in my town, if you have to come back a second time, they everyone in the home in the home a $100.

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Posts: 6,221
Registered: ‎08-09-2012

Since this is not an emergency, you should NOT call 911-as that is only for true emergencies. You can find a general number or the number of the desk officer for your local police department, and they will help you.