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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

Yes, and her husband still cheated on her. Many wealthy women must be miserable.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

I have a friend who's really skinny and she hardly eats anything, she takes alot of vitamins though. She's always dressed to the 9's, wears the most beautiful jewelry, even when she's at the gym. To each their own as they say.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

She also wore gloves because she bit her fingernails...probably because she was hungry.
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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

I did know she liked to eat her watercress sandwiches, don't know about a potato. Yes, she smoked like a chimney. Her acquaintances were haute couture fashion designers. Real designers with design houses - not the Q massive ready to wear for the working class females. She would have to be thin to appear nice in the clothing. Nothing wrong with being thin if you choose.

As for Jack having affairs, many men from all backgrounds and social levels cheat, whether one believes it or not.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

I read an article which stated that people who don't eat much live much longer.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

There was a famous heiress, can't remember the name, but there was a tv movie about her life, and she ate mostly saltine crackers to stay thin, which caused enormous stomach problems, surgeries, and eventually killed her.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

Years ago, Jackie K. was interviewed on TV and was asked how she kept her figure. She said she just tells the cook down in the kitchen to send her just cottage cheese for lunch.

Seems to me it would be lots easier for many of us if we could order our lunch a few floors away and not spend time in the kitchen. That kitchen time is a killer, I say! Adele

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

I'm sure she ate lightly, but not that lightly. She was an educated woman, so not stupid.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

Everyone knows she was a heavy smoker. Her husband would not allow her to photographed w/a cigarette. If you look at some of her old pics closely you will be the pack on the table. I do not think she was that thin.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

I saw a display of some of her clothes a few years ago and she would have had to be pretty thin to fit into them. And you don't have to be stupid to have an eating disorder.

Don't these people ever get HUNGRY???? I couldn't live on 1 potato a day.