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No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

Jackie Kennedy ate one baked potato a day along with a glass of champagne and smoked like a chimney. She may have been thin, but was it worth it?

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

Gee! where did you get that info? If indeed that is accurate I feel sorry for her, but you know the rich, they think you can never be too thin or rich.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

Don't recall ever reading that but I think that was not unusual for wealthy women of that era.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

I ain't buying it!
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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

Women do all sorts of not-so-good things to themselves, just to keep 'thin'. Unfortunately.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

The gentleman that used to sell Jackie Kennedy jewelry on the Q once said she smoked.
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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

This smoking news ""leaked"" out back in the 60's.

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

I remember as a child hearing that models and ballerinas ate toilet paper to fill themselves up. It wasn't a secret that jackie Kennedy smoked

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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny

My daughter is good friends with a woman who appears regularly on TV. My daughter says her friend hardly eats...and she also smokes like a chimney. Kathy Griffin is one of the few women who is honest about what she eats. She has said she starves and it's worse for actresses. She added that when one of these lollypop-shaped stars says she's naturally skinny, she's lying. I have no idea whether that Jackie Kennedy diet was true but I certainly would believe she hardly ate at all.
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Re: No wonder Jackie Kennedy was so skinny


I am glad others in this country have nothing better to do with their time.