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Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

Oh my goodness. That's not exactly what I would call a funny blooper. Not really a laughing matter even though she was laughing no doubt to keep the program moving along. They have to do that.  For the same reason I don't find America's Funniest Videos humorous at all when people fall or do stupid stunts that look like they hurt themselves. Not funny at all.

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Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

I'm glad to hear that she wasn't hit, that could have been dangerous.  QVC has it's share of bloopers   First the vendor whose heel poked throught the air mattress just as she was saying that such a thing could never happen.  Then my friend was watching a tv presentation (she did not buy and  she said a vendor was hyping all that it could do by voice command.  But he couldn't get it to respond to voice   He had to give up and mumbled "well it does do it".  She said Rachel was laughing so hard she had to move out of camera range.  

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Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

I saw this.  I had no idea when it fell what that was until Jane said it was the fan blade.  Do the blades just slip on?  I have ceiling fans in my house and the blades all screw on with multiple screws.  It would be odd that every single one would come loose and the blade fall off.   

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Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

I saw the fan blade fall on Jane, she handled it better than I would have😄

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Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

@Deree wrote:

Oh my goodness. That's not exactly what I would call a funny blooper. Not really a laughing matter even though she was laughing no doubt to keep the program moving along. They have to do that.  For the same reason I don't find America's Funniest Videos humorous at all when people fall or do stupid stunts that look like they hurt themselves. Not funny at all.

@Deree  I am right there with you.  This is not at all funny.   Jane responded the way a true professional would.

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Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

I think I would have stopped right there and have them move my set.  Who knows what else, if not the whole thing, would fall off, at that point.

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Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

Certainly QVC maintenance people will now remove the entire fan.  The hosts always claim how cold it is on set, why have it there in the first place.  Could have been a serious matter.

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Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

I just watched the video.  Cudos to Jane for keeping her composure and laughing it off to "live TV."  Even though I knew it already happened and read here that she was fine, that still really startled me.  I don't find it a funny blooper at all.  



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Posts: 937
Registered: ‎06-24-2010

Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

I just watched the recording.  Jane did very well with her reaction to this.  I can imagine the words that would have come out of my mouth.

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Re: No one saw Jane get hit by falling debris?

@Deree wrote:

Oh my goodness. That's not exactly what I would call a funny blooper. Not really a laughing matter even though she was laughing no doubt to keep the program moving along. They have to do that.  For the same reason I don't find America's Funniest Videos humorous at all when people fall or do stupid stunts that look like they hurt themselves. Not funny at all.


       Well, finally someone that agrees with me about America's Funniest!!  I have never thought someone getting hurt by falling or a stupid stunt was funny!!  My family always makes fun of me when I cringe.....