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No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

I read this today:


For the last few months, many of us have been diligent about cleaning and disinfecting our food and packages after getting our groceries at the store or via delivery. However, on April 16, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that there is absolutely no need to feverishly wipe down every item of food that enters your house.


While recent studies have suggested that COVID-19 can live on certain surfaces anywhere between hours or days, the FDA attempted to calm the nerves of Americans by pointing out that nobody, to their knowledge, has contracted the virus via food or food packaging.


FDA has heard your concerns about shopping for food safely. We want to assure you there is currently NO evidence of human or animal food or food packaging being associated with transmission of the COVID-19.

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Re: No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

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Re: No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

I'd love to think there's going to be one voice that can speak total safety to us.   Right now even the voices I respect can't do that, probably will never be able to.  Because that's my belief, I'll continue to choose my best practices from among the options I feel I have.


The first time I went food shopping after my county became a hotspot, I did wipe down or wash everything -  and then I stayed out of any market for 2 weeks!


The second time I went food shopping, I separated my finds into 2 groups: one that had to go into the house when I got home, the other could wait in the car alone for 24 or more hours.


I did wipe or wash down group one, but I would have down that before CV just as I've been obsessed with hand washing for well over a year now.


And then I waited 2+ weeks and repeated the above.  So far, so good.


I'll continue to listen to voices I respect, but right now the strongest voice I hear is inside my own head. 





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Re: No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

I stopped doing that quite a while  ago.  

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Re: No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

I will continue to wipe down everything for a long time to come.  Maybe indefinitely.

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Re: No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

I don't wipe down packages.  I spritz w/Lysol. 

As for food, no.  Except for the "normal" food wiping/washing as I did previous to the virus.

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Re: No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

I will continue to clean everything that comes into my home.

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Re: No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

I will continue to wipe the packages down.  I remember we were told masks weren't necessary now they are.  So, obviously, advice is an ever changing thing. 

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Re: No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

i never did this. I washed my hands and wiped down the counters after I put everything away, just as I've always done. If it makes someone feel better to do so, that's totally their choice. 

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Re: No need to wipe down food or packages according to FDA....

"They" can say what they will. 


I will continue to do the maximum work to be as cautious as possible.


I come from a long line of people that have always wiped down their groceries before putting them away. I never had, but do now, and will probably do it as routine from here on out.