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@ID2 wrote:

I can honestly admit that I have never heard of anyone hating Summer! Until I began on these boards, I thought everyone loved the lovely warm weather, nice long days, getting outside and enjoying life. I would LOVE 90 degree weather forever! Woman Happy

        I love summertime!  The heat can be uncomfortable but there again it's summer!  I prefer it to cold weather.  The mornings and evenings are usually nice.

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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

It is summer and heat is what it in DC area it s in 90's, humid, and oppressive.  It is summer and I have always disliked this kind of thick summer air..looking forward to cooler weather!

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Posts: 33,771
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

I have always HATED Summer, but I miss our gold ole summertime temperatures of 95 and 96 if I wanted every day to be over 100 in the summer I would have moved to Arizona....🥵  We are breaking records each and every day here in South Texas....  The weather folks say this is just a normal weather pattern that cycles in every 6 yrs.....😫

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