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Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday

Don't know what my spouse will do!  He reads the paper front to back and enjoys the paper.  It's been getting "thinner" lately with more ads than news to print!


They've offered any subscriber online access for "free".  Nope does not use computer.  


The "printed" version will only be delivered Wednesday & Sunday's.  The reason is they've lost millions in advertisers .  This Sunday we had no sale inserts come to think of it.  I feel bad for our carrier who has never missed a day and delivers everyday by 5am.  


I figured they'd keep Wednesday because there is usually food store ads.  


Another sign of the times☹️

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Re: Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday

@homedecor1 is the sign of the times.


 We get the Seattle Times and have for many years....Hubby also loves to read it.  Right now we pay about $500 a year for 7 day a week seems to go up every time I pay.  But we enjoy it, so we pay.  Would miss it if it ever goes out of business🙁

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Re: Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday

We used to get our local paper 6 days a week.  Then last June we started just getting a Wednesday and Saturday paper.  The reason supposedly was when Canada started having to pay tariffs & our paper comes from there?

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Re: Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday



Its $356/year (tax, fuel & delivery charge) but he is "old school" and this is something he really enjoys so I don't complain.


At one point, he was upset it was so costly.  I suggested to him to go out everyday buy it ($1.50 daily & $2.75/Sunday) he quickly wrote the check🙂 

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Re: Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday

That's too bad @homedecor1 . 


I still enjoy reading our daily newspaper. I locked our delivery price in

a few years back so at least the price has not increased on this. Yes,

thin papers for sure. We only get one grocery store circular now. For

now ours is still coming everyday.

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Re: Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday

Our daily has been reduced to Wednesday and Saturday for print.  We can get it online, but I miss the paper.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday

Ours went that route several years ago.  Plus, it is no longer printed locally.  We still got it because Hubby liked to read it.  Last year we got a new carrier and she would ONLY take payments on a quarterly schedule.....and she wanted those payments early.  She started bugging me in August for the Oct-Dec payment.  And our carriers have been sporadic at best.  Seems once a month I woudn't get a Sunday paper, but we still paid for it.  


Then, late last year we got a new carrier.  I didn't get my first December paper, so I called her.  She immediately (in a snotty tone) said I wouldn't get no paper until I paid her.  I told her I had already paid the other carrier.  She told me that the other carrier wasn't now my carrier and I should pay her.  I told her I paid the other carrier in SEPTEMBER for OCT-DEC delivery and that it was the only way that carrier would accept payments.  Long pause.  "Well, I'll have to talk to my supervisor".  Never heard from her again. I got all my December papers and they gave me one January paper I guess to make up for the December one I missed.  But none of those papers had the bill for January in it.  If I don't get the bill, I won't pay it.  So, we no longer get a paper.  One did show up in our driveway one Sunday in March out of the blue, but there was no note or bill in it, so I guess we won't be getting the paper anymore.


I gave my husband the contact info for the carrier if he wanted to see about getting it started again, but I'm done with her.

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Re: Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday



I relate!  I receive two newspapers a day  and rely on them for my local and world news. I may read some headlines on line but not many.  I also watch certain news channels but because of the crisis I haven't done so in awhile not because I don't like them but it just overwhelms hearing about this horrific virus.


So far I am still receiving both papers and while they might not be as thick I am happy they arrive.  I would feel bad for the carrier if she lost her job, she is reliable and always delivers.  I am a newspaper lover and have been since a young girl.  Like your spouse, I wouldn't want it any other way!!!!!

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Re: Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday

Washington Post
Gannett will furlough workers at more than 100 newspapers over next three months
Newspaper giant Gannett will furlough employees over the next three months to cut costs during the economic slowdown caused by the novel ...
1 day ago
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(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Re: Newspaper suspends daily paper production except Wed & Sunday

I hope that doesn't happen here in Chicago.  I do enjoy the daily paper.  We get 2 and it is expensive, but for some reason I prefer reading it in the paper form.  I also rather hold a physical book rather than read on line.  Just me I guess.