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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

@Oostende I was just in that bookstore not too long ago.  Yes Durango is a dog friendly town but you know...lately I see less and less dogs in stores.  Could be because of our weather lately.   Lotsa snow... DW

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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@manhattan1950 wrote:

@Ms tyrion2 wrote:

Dogs in stores is just not something that concerns me.

I've never seen one misbehave. I'm sure it happens now and then and people jump at the chance to tell of it. Just not something I've ever seen.


I don't think twice about a dog in a basket at the grocery store. Babies sit in those things with dirty diapers. I just use the wipes provided. 


There is a lot in the world that distresses me. This isn't one of them.

This post and your other post are the BEST posts on this topic. I have NO problem seeing dogs in stores. The ones I've seen are VERY well behaved compared to the MANY unruly, screaming bratty kids I've seen in stores.

@Ms tyrion2 is a very wise poster. She's very thoughtful and considerate, never rude or insulting, @manhattan1950.



Thank you for your most kind compliment @suzyQ3.

Right back atcha! I always enjoy your posts.

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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

@dancingwoman It's a good thing the snowpack is being replenished.  Durango doesn't need another fire season like last year's!!

All the best.

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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

@Oostende You’re right about that.  Hoping for more snow! DW

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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

[ Edited ]

@Oostende wrote:

@Pook I just don't think you can conflate humans and animals into a single solution when it comes to accommodation.


Allergy sufferers might make allowances for other people because they recognize another human as their moral and spiritual equal.  For example, just because I don't like old people, or children, or handicapped people doesn't mean I can deny their right to exist alongside me.  (Before I get slammed, those are examples of prejudices, they are not my own.)

I have a moral duty to recognize that their humanity is equal with my own.


I may prefer dogs to people, but so what?  Pet owners accept responsibility to accommodate for the needs of their animals.  A dog can't use a credit card to buy food.  That responsibility lies with the owner.  There's no reason for a dog to be in a produce aisle in the first place.  


There are reasons for handicapped people and old people and sick people and children and other human beings that some people may perceive to be inconvenient (for lack of a better word) to be in stores.  We cannot and should not shut them out.


The same cannot be said for any animal.  For me, that is where your argument about allowing for behavior of the animal versus the behavior of a child falls apart.


@Oostende   So well said!  I believe yours is the most intelligent post on this thread. It made me think about being more tolerant of others opinions. But a pet is not equal to a human.  That's not an opinion, it's a scientific fact.   Laws are made to benefit the majority of the people and of course, some may not agree or even be hurt by a specific law.  But to assign a pet the same degree or a even greater degree of importance as a person is when we deteriorate into a state where it's all about the selfishness and the attitudes we are all living with these days.... it's all about me and to hell with the next guy. 


We need laws that benefit the majority of the people.  This thread and ones like it have touched a nerve with many people. If you feel strongly about, why not express your opinion to the lawmakers in your county or state. They don't know how their constituents feel unless they're told.  



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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

@missy1 wrote:

I am assuming there are certain legitimate/certified schools for dogs that meet ADA approval? One can put their dog at any school, buy a vest online and say it's a therapy dog.


Look at all the CL ads and they say we have a emotional support dog. Those pets don't apply for them to rent a room etc. (when no pets are allowed)

@missy1, you assume correctly.   My daughter's friend has a service dog.  Not only did the dog get extensive training, the family also did.  You can tell at a glance if it is a true service dog vs. the I want my dog with me service dog.

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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

I'm confused about the topic title, which indicates that these signs are in "most stores".  Am I the only one who has never seen a sign like this in any store?


I also must be in the minority because I very, very rarely see pets in stores.  I have friends who train service dogs, and I have a family member who is severely diabetic and has a service dog - so I tend to notice service dogs when I see them.  But I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a dog or any kind of pet in a store, restaurant, or on a plane. Maybe in Petco approx. 2 years ago? 


I guess this is a bigger problem for some people than others.

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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

Usually when we go to Lowes or Home Depot (weekdays) there are service dogs with their apron (I guess that is what you call it) on "service dog" then other ones just sitting in the cart. They are well behaved but I know never go pet them or go up to them because you never know what could happen. I think some are just pets but I will tell the owner your dog is cute & well behaved. We have a few resturants that are pet friendly but if not service dogs they have to eat on the patio. My DD has a yorkie and if she goes threw the Walgreens drive threw to pick up meds they will put a dog biscuit in the metal drawer along with her meds. The dog knows he is getting a treat & loves it. He is not a service dog. 

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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

I've actually never seen so-called comfort dogs in supermarkets, nor have I seen any signs posted.  Perhaps it's just not the thing in my area.


However, I could start a whole new war about big box stores, Walmarts, Home Depots, large grocery stores and the like.  When they open those huge doors on the loading docks for hours, or leave the back of the stores open for gardening, flowers, etc., ever notice that birds manage to take up housekeeping inside?  Check the rafters for nests and watch out for bird doo-doo on shelves and packaging.  

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: New Signs at most stores (re: pets)

I grew up with my friend whose parents were blind with service dogs, the Dad always told me when he puts the harness on his dog not to pet or interfere when they are in working mode. Anyone see on the news when people get on planes they need service pets which can be anything, saw a squirrel or bird just strange. I don't think these wild animals go threw training to become a service pet. I love animals but to put these animals as service pets is not my idea. Yes here in Az. the pets come in stores Lowes & Home Depot here have wild birds usually in garden section also stray cats too, Costco sometimes get birds fly in. Doesn't bother me. If you go out in your yard you are going to have birds, I have a brown rabbit that thinks he owns my yard, we got coyotes, snakes etc... so far they live in preserves but sometimes come down looking for water & food when we have a drought. Love when people build a house at the bottom of a mountain & complain about wildlife, well wildlife was there before you built so expect it.