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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

Years ago, my first thought was the brother.


But, if true, whose DNA is on the panties and under the fingernails?


Well, thinking about it, right this minute, it could have been two perpetrators/friends/teens/etc. in that basement that night. 



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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

@ROMARY wrote:

Years ago, my first thought was the brother.


But, if true, whose DNA is on the panties and under the fingernails?


Well, thinking about it, right this minute, it could have been two perpetrators/friends/teens/etc. in that basement that night. 



@ROMARY  Or just trace or transfer DNA from someone totally unrelated to the crime.

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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

I never thought the parents had anything to do with it.  I still don't.

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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

[ Edited ]

@goldensrbest wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@goldensrbest wrote:

I  would like to know  why this was not found years ago.

@goldensrbest  If you read the article is says there are new high technology DNA tests available today that were not available years ago....thus why many 30 plus year old Cold case murder crimes are being solved  today...

Perhaps, but they have tried before, but for john, i hope so.Patsy ,died without knowing,  not knowing just adds to the pain.

@goldensrbest @They have tried to identify a pubic hair found on the inside of JB'sunderwear. They have not matched it to anyone. I do not know if it's a pubic hair containing the root, which would yield nuclear DNA or it it's a pubic hair without the root, which would yield mitochondrial DNA. They have made attempts to get touch DNA from her and from objects. I don't remember the outcome. The pubic hair DNA was not a match to any of the family. 

In case you are wondering, The FBI, at the time, had never had a case in which a child was killed by a parent using a garrote. 

The paint brush might have finally yielded some DNA. One of the newer tools being used is a vacuum that can be used to vacuum over materials that were previously checked to get a new sample. 

Another tool is the use of Parabon NanoLabs. This company can take a nuclear DNA sample and build a physical profile of the donor. They also work with genetic genealogists to back track and connect a DNA sample to family members whose DNA is deposited in open source databases such as GED Match. This only needs to be done if law enforcement databases, state or FBI, do not have a sample taken from someone that matches back to a nuclear DNA sample from a crime scene.


There are also newer ways to obtain fingerprints off of fabric. Additionally, a perpetrator might have been arrested since the time that the initial crime scene fingerprints were run through the fingerprint database.


The head guy name Roscoe from some group mentioned on Radar claims that his group has new cigarette butt evidence.

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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

@Mindy D. Nor had --and still hasn't to my knowledge-- the FBI seen a ransom note that lengthy or convoluted.  And let's not forget it contained the exact amount of John's bonus that year. 🙄

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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

@Pearlee wrote:

@Mindy D. Nor had --and still hasn't to my knowledge-- the FBI seen a ransom note that lengthy or convoluted.  And let's not forget it contained the exact amount of John's bonus that year. 🙄

@Pearlee @There is a note and it does mention the bonus but there is also the pubic hair that does not belong to anyone in the family. 

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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

The person of interest was supposedly staying across the street from the Ramsay's in the basement of A couple that babysat for JB. 

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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

Anyone here know what was underneath her fingernails?......Was it soil, or skin, or something else?


Under the fingernails substances are usally something to explore.  Well, on tv crime shows, etc. 

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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

It's been awhile since I read up on this case. I wanted to believe that Patsy wasn't guilty, but I'm just not sure. I have seen the handwriting, and the abbreviations and language used. Not to mention what she did and said that morning. First, does anyone not know what a crime scene is, and not know that if you clean the crime scene you're cleaning up the evidence? Second, she had on the same party clothes from the night before. Seriously, who does that? Certainly not a woman like Patsy Ramsey. She never went to bed. Third, the War and Peace of ransom notes. It was her notebook and pen, and still in the house. So if it had been written prior to that night, they would have had to bring the notebook and pen back and put them back in their place. 


After seeing this thread, I looked up the DNA evidence. This is a quote from an article I found:


"They suggested numerous plausible, "innocent" explanations, including the possibility of contamination; they also noted that additional samples of trace DNA found under the victim's fingernails and on the cord and garrotte used in the crime didn't match the long johns DNA or each other. The presence of so many different DNA samples, many of them too tiny or degraded to put into a database or even determine if they came from blood or skin tissues, suggests that JonBenét was killed by a sizable "foreign faction" of sadists — or that police were looking for a suspect who didn't exist."


If it was someone outside the family, they'll never be convicted. The evidence is a mess.

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Re: New DNA Sample In JonBenét Ramsey Case Targets Potential Killer

@SnowOwl79  Interesting post. And as for the ransom note, the person would have had to bring into the house the draft too! 


Glad you saw the note comparison to Patsy's other prior writings. That convinced me she for sure wrote the note.