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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

@onliner wrote:

I live in CA and wearing a mask has always been a recommendation.  In my county, it has been a requirement since March 16.  I don't think I have seen anyone not wearing a mask except when exercising outside.  I am not sure how it will be enforced, but we must now wear one when out in public and I think it is a good thing.   

@onliner I am in CA also, & agree it's nothing new.  

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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

@Lattelvr wrote:

I only wear a mouth diaper at work because we are being forced to if we are in proximity to one another and at the grocery store and wear it below my nose to breathe. Two weeks ago on a not so crowded Sunday afteroon, I witnessed an elderly woman being carried out at the grocery store since she passed out wearing a mask.  Two woman employees were talking about the incident.  Very sad.  However, I am noticing more people are removing them as I do when I can't breathe well in a hot store.  The real reaons behind these mask have nothing to do with a virus!

@Lattelvr mouth diaper, yeah that's what it's like!  I have plugged up sinuses & it's really hard getting enough oxygen in with everything all stuffed up.

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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

@ValuSkr wrote:

That's wonderful news.  People don't like to be told what to do - think of seat belts - but this is for the public good.



@ValuSkr   I remember, as a child, every time My Mother slammed on the brakes, I would hit my head on the dashboard, no seatbelts.

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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

@Caligurll wrote:

I'm happy about this.  I've noticed over the past 2-3 weeks fewer people wearing masks and even fewer observing social distancing while not wearing a mask in a store.


I had a couple of encounters this week that tested my patience and good will; one unmasked man coughed on me in Sam's Club and another man behind me in the grocery store almost was wearing my shopping cart after he got to close and I decided to put the cart between him and me in line to check out.


The Sam's Club encounter made me want to return the favor, but I didn't and wouldn't, but the little temptation was sadly there.



@Caligurll   I don't think I will ever go to Costco again, just too many people, so I have been using Instacart for this store.

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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

[ Edited ]

I need some plumbing work done, and envision myself asking if the plumber will be wearing a mask, if not, I have some.


I wear a mask and gloves when I have to go out, which isn't often.

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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

Florida doesn’t have a mandatory mask rule and never will, according to the governor. (I’m not sure if his ranking is still at 49 or is he has dropped to 50.)


Tampa and St Pete recently put mandatory mask rules into place and I expect my town (and very likely others) to follow suit within the week. Enough public outrage and requests directly to mayors can actually lead to change.

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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

I think it only works if places enforce it!
I hate being diligent about wearing mine and then see people being allowed into a store without one. Defeats the whole purpose. The super hot weather is on its way soon....the masks are so dang hot, it will definitely require some regrouping. I don't wear it in the car and put it on after I get out of the car and take it off as soon as I get back in...when the a/c is back on.
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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

We've been doing that in NJ but strongly  recommended and compliance is pretty good. Our numbers are going in the right direction.   I live in one of the early epicenters.  Near 500 cases in my Town and numbers pretty much stable.   

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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

Everyone seems to a walk around without masks.  But it's required to wear in every public building, every store, etc.  So most people (including me) put on a mask before you step in to a store.  I always keep away from other people in the street.  And follow the strips on the floor of whatever store you are in.  The masks are uncomfortable to me.  I might be allergic to them.  My make up runs under them.  And my eyes weep.  It's so bad, I sometimes run outside somewhere not near people and pull of the mask and just breath....

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Re: New CA order for masks required in public

Over time as more and more people get sick and die, resistance to these simple measures will quickly disappear.  If we make it to  fall, the remaining people in the country will gladly comply with whatever the doctors and scientists us.