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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

@cookinfreak  Some people here think this is petty, but it really is a perk that management should honor since they created it.  I would be tempted to quote Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes, but another tactic would be to block her in every day until she understands.  If questioned, you could just say that you parked at your parking space. 


I would get a letter from your boss or whoever came up with this perk.  This is the point where you have to decide what is important.  Longevity in a job is something that younger people do not understand.  What you have to worry about is if there are repercussions that come back on you for not being a team player.


Keep in mind that you are the adult here and she is not.  She is making sure that everyone is focused on her looks, which do not last forever without surgery.  Do not put yourself in jeopardy for a parking space.

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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

[ Edited ]

Purchase a traffic cone and write your name in black permanent marker and place in parking spot.


She should get the idea after a day or two.


12" Orange Traffic Cones

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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

I would not let it go. I would have told her to move her car that she was in my space the first time. 

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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

I agree with Carmie and I feel the OP's pain...hopefully after telling her several times, she gets the hint.  Why can a new employee come in and upset the apple cart?


Years ago I worked for a company and we were expected to work on Saturday until ALL work was done.  This employee always left early, nothing was ever said to her and everyone resented her...even the bosses were mum....we all just fumed when she would walk out the door early.



That is awful BUT it's the management's fault.  Failure to confront and/or passive bosses are the WORST!

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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

[ Edited ]

Edited: On second thoughts, don't do this. Not that anyone would. I do think @cookinfreak  should stand up for yourself though. Just don't get caught fighting about it because then you'll get in trouble yourself and will probably lose the perk. It's the principle of, "If both you kids are going to fight over that doll baby, I'm taking it away." And since the other lady doesn't have a perk to lose, you'd be the loser in that scenario, and she'd be happy to have taken it away from you. 



You could accidentally park too close to her drivers side door each time she does it, so she can't easily get in. And claim it was an honest mistake, and then casually bring up the tradition that it's your parking spot. Or find some other passive aggressive way to fight back.


She's trying to get you to blow up and address things directly and make you look like you're overreacting. That's what persistent passive aggressiveness is about.


If she's going to keep pretending it's an honest mistake, even though she knows better, it needs to be answered in kind. Without getting you in trouble, which is what she seems to be aiming for.


If you do nothing or make a big public deal about it, she will keep doing it.

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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

@ValuSkr wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@ValuSkr wrote:

Ask your boss to put "reserved for" signs on the three parking spaces.  If that doesn't teach her, well - maybe she'll be fired.

On what grounds, @ValuSkr ?

I don't know.  Disobeying company signs?  LOL   That's for H.R. to figure out. 

Unfortunately, I didn't see mention of a sign, @ValuSkr :-)

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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

[ Edited ]

Yes, as someone here stated, could be she is doing this to get a reaction.

Those type of people often twist the situation around so the other person looks to be over-reactive.


Some people 'have an agenda', so to speak.


Sometimes it's better to just ignore, and they will go 'somewhere else' to do what they are compelled to do.  


It could be something in her nature that she cannot control.


I could write a book.  Enough said.
















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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

@tarsmom   Yes, management had no spine, grrr.

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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

The question we don't have an adequate answer to is this: Is it the OP's spot? And I'm not talking simply about precedence but about actual ownership given to her by management.  I certainly doesn't sound as if it's the latter.


Also, although the new employee seems a bit pushy, is she really out of bounds?

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Need to vent big time - kinda long

Unless these are assigned spaces with your name on it, sadly little can be done unless you escalate it to management and they agree to "assign" the space.


We had something similar years ago in a condo we lived in. No assigned spaces. My husband used to shovel out the space during a snow storm and when we left someone would park in it. Unless a space is assigned, there isn't much you can do.