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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

@qualitygal .. Thanks so much. I'll check out our library too. If you get a chance, can you list the names of the books you bought. They must be good ones. If our little library doesn't have them, they can get them through the system they are connected to.

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

@Bri21 ...Ooh...that sounds wonderful. I'm going shopping this afternoon. I'll put ricotta cheese on my shopping list. Thank you!

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

Well dipping bread in olive oil is fantastic, or drizzling over. I very rarely eat toast, if you're referring to American toast and jam at breakfast. On the occasions I do, I'd use real butter. I don't buy butter surbstitutes or margarine. 

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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

When I was doing the low fat diet  class they told us a small amount of real butter was better than any butter substitute. It is really about portion control.For instance one tsp of Land o lakes half butter, half olive oil or half canola oil would be fine on a half a baked potato - you  should not be eating an entire potato anyway. Same with toast - you should only be eating one piece anyway so 1 tsp of that same land o lakes half butter would be great. Also - substitute something on toast like a low sugar or sugar free jam like the polaner brand. Their  jelly is sweetened only with pear juice and is fabulous.

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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

[ Edited ]

Found 2 out of 3, may have donated one to the library here already. But these are the

two I did find:


1. The Mediterranean Prescription by Angelo Acquista, MD.

2. The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Dummies. You know what those books look like.

613.2 are the call numbers from the book (1st one) as to where you might find them at your local library.

One example says for multigrain or whole-wheat toast--no butter or jelly. They want you to keep your sugar levels low no doubt.


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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

@qualitygal ... Thank you so much! That is very helpful.

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

@151949 ... Thanks so much for the information. Good to know!

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

Sweet potatoes are a better choice over white potatoes.  I don't even put butter on them. 

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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is not a diet. It is a lifelong habit. Something you must stick to as a creed.


Decades ago, this was the usual way of life of many communities around the Mediterranean Basin. It was the everyday life in countries like Spain, Italy or Greece. Its major points were intense physical activity, healthy nutrition, anti-stress attitudes and not much money to throw away.


All these elements shaped a culture that was declared on 2010 Immaterial Human Heritage by UNESCO. It is the only diet to have been awarded this recognition.


The original Mediterranean Diet characteristics:

    High consumption of virgin olive oil.

    High intake of vegetables and fruits and legumes.

    Use of non-refined carbohydrates (portions to be adjusted to physical activity).

    Consumption of fish, specially oily (or “bluish” one) three or four times a week

    Consumption of milk and derivatives, cheese and yogurt (the original cheese was fresh goat cheese). Keep an eye on the saturated fats of the dairy products.

    Three or four eggs per week.

    Moderate consumption of meat and saturated fats (natural, not artificially hydrogenated!).

    One or two small glasses of wine a day, at the main meals. White wine and beer are alternatives.

    Nuts as snacks.

    In “special occasions” Mediteranean traditional desserts.

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Re: Need Advice Re: Mediterranean Diet

@Bri21 ... I just came back from shopping and bought a bag of sweet potatoes! I like to sprinkle a little cinnamon on them.

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli