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Re: My neighbor's dogs

[ Edited ]

Yes, you should tell your neighbor.  That's one of my goals: if I think of a compliment ("her hair looks nice"), I must try to say it.  


Unfortunately my pup did not like doggie day care, would not eat if overnighting.  So we had to get someone to come in to care for him when we were gone.  But I know dogs who do like to go. 

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@Effie54  I love them too! This is the first one I've seen up close and petted

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@GoneButNotForgotten ................Buy the dogs a nice healthy treat and your neighbor a cupcake along with the compliment.

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W also used to use doggie day care when we went on vacations...until she got too old.  I had a neighbor take care of her when we went away then.


My dogs loved doggie day care!  I couldn't bring myself to use a kennel for when we went on vacation and was excited when we first found doggie day care.


The place that we used grouped dogs by size and age.  They would be rotated from indoors then outdoors and then back indoors in another room.  There was always someone there with them. 


My dog loved it and and when we would come to pick her up she would want to stay! Smiley Happy

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@catter70 wrote:

My neighbor has 3 dogs and they start barking as soon as they're out the door and they totally ignore them. It's like people who ignore their bratty kids and everyone else has to put up ith it.

Every night around 9pm there is a dog that lives probably about a block away that barks for an hour. I can only assume that they bring the dog back in around 10pm because that's when it stops. 


It's very quiet here so I can hear the non-stop barking in the distance.  Even though it's over on the next street, I find it annoying and feel sorry for their next door neighbors. 


How can people allow this and think that it's okay?

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@GoneButNotForgotten   Molly goes to daycare one day a week. No one is home during the day, so she has no "doggie playdates".


She has buddies at daycare. Sometimes I have them bathe her before picking her up at 5.

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Yes please let your neighbor knwo how much you are enjoying watching the dogs.


I have 2 young (both 2 years old) German Shepherds and my husband especially is always concerned that the dogs were bothering neighbors even though they only run in our yard.  They run around and play very hard.  My neighbors told us that they get a real chuckle out of the dogs antics.  That made me feel much better 

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@drizzellla  Thats funny! Your collie was a lovely dog I bet

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@GoneButNotForgotten you are a wonderful neighbor! We have a 'neighbor', she actually lives at the top of our lane, about a quarter of a mile from us, she rescues dogs, horses....any animal that needs a home. She told me that each morning Rain (a Great Dane) gets so excited when she sees our garage door go up because she knows that my husband is leaving. She follows him from the horse pasture up to the top of our road, running beside the car. (She's actually inside a fence!) I so love her critters, her miniature mule is my buddy....when he sees me outside he calls to me. She also rescues ducks, chickens and goats. LOL...we only rescue cats and we feed the racoons, possums, skunks and all the birds in an attempt to keep them at this end of our property and away from her chickens and ducks. But I do pick up a couple of bags of food for her each month. She is a wonderful gal.This spring she is clearing out an acre of our ground and making an area for her goats and horses to graze.

Thank you for caring about your neighbor's dogs, so many are not always kind. 

Critter Lover! (especially cats!)
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@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

One of these days I'm going to tell my neighbor how much I enjoy his dogs and compliment him on how well trained they are.


DURING THE DAY--and not at all hours of the day and night--they run around the back yard, chasing each other and playing; sometimes, they play fight, growling and snarling etc. They're so much fun to watch and they're so well-behaved. One is an Austrailian shepherd and I don't know what the other dog is.

I think he has them in doggie day care at times because he's away a lot, and that really helps. Dogs who are bored and lonely can do a lot of damage. I don't know who came up with the idea of doggie day care but s/he was a genius.


Good dogs, neighbor! Well done.





Really nice of you to start a positive thread about your Neighbor's Dogs. Not sure if I have ever seen one like this the many years I have been around here.

As a Pet Lover, I thank you for this kind thread.


Not sure what qualifies as Doggy Day Care, be it by the day/week/month. My wife has had her In-your-home Pet Sitting business for going on 10 years now. She charges per day/per pet. The extra pets are not as much as her original charge for just 1, since she is already there.


With that obviously comes that she is also a Home Sitter when people are away. From 2-3 days, and she had 1 that was for over a month.


For what she charges? It's her business so I stay out of it. But just for someone to House Sit while you are gone? Not cheap even around here, I've checked. That alone is, for some costs more, than her Pet Sitting 2 dogs.


Wonder what a Doggy Day Care goes for around here? Might have check that out also.




hckynut 🇺🇸

