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My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

[ Edited ]

Recently my son sent us some photographs of their daughter, who is 9 and a half years old.


As the Brits say, we were absolutely GOBSMACKED !`


These were the worst pictures of her I'v ever seen. In one picture she looked as skinny as a twig; she's always been small but in this photographs she looked like a starving bird.


The second one was even worse; for some reason her mouth was stretched from ear to ear.


I hope this isn't how she really looks. I don't dare say anything to her parents because her mother is touchy and could get offended and then not let us see her for a year or two--it's happened before.


I'm wondering if the changes in her face reflect that she's getting ready to start puberty. I know that girls today are starting pubery at a younger age and the thinking is that children nowdays eat so much processed food and other factors are causing this.


One other thing my son, who is in his early 40's, has grown out his beard and it doesn't look good. The next time I see him, I'm going to ask him if he's trying out for ZZTop. Fortunately he has a sense of humor.

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Re: My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

Sounds like what happens when you get your picture taken for a passport or drivers license.  They are unflattering.


Maybe your son is not a good picture taker.  It's not easy to get the right shot and a bad angle can show features not to their advantage.  Just ask ZZTop for more photos.  Woman LOL

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Re: My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

I can't imagine why the "touchy" mother would get offended if you expressed the opinion you've stated here.


Better practice keeping your mouth shut.  She's undoubtedly at an awkward stage and may turn into a raving beauty.  Or maybe not, but a kind and good person which is even more important.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

I can't imagine thinking these things about my grandchildren.

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Re: My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

Is it a school photo?  Those are notoriously terrible.

~ "First they fascinate the fools. Then they muzzle the intelligent."~ Bertrand Russell
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Re: My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

One is a school photo; the other was taken by a friend.

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Re: My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

@GoneButNotForgotten wrote:

Recently my son sent us some photographs of their daughter, who is 9 and a half years old.


As the Brits say, we were absolutely GOBSMACKED !`


These were the worst pictures of her I'v ever seen. In one picture she looked as skinny as a twig; she's always been small but in this photographs she looked like a starving bird.


The second one was even worse; for some reason her mouth was stretched from ear to ear.


I hope this isn't how she really looks. I don't dare say anything to her parents because her mother is touchy and could get offended and then not let us see her for a year or two--it's happened before.


I'm wondering if the changes in her face reflect that she's getting ready to start puberty. I know that girls today are starting pubery at a younger age and the thinking is that children nowdays eat so much processed food and other factors are causing this.


One other thing my son, who is in his early 40's, has grown out his beard and it doesn't look good. The next time I see him, I'm going to ask him if he's trying out for ZZTop. Fortunately he has a sense of humor.




Wow ....   Honestly, I was a little gobsmacked by your comments!  Yikes!  


Kids go through phases and some are rather awkward.  I seriously doubt how terrible you think she looks is because she may eat processed foods. 


IMO, from your comments, you ARE too critical of peoples' appearance, and your thoughts that you shouldn't say anything to her parents is spot-on.  Don't say anything.


Also, your son may not be an expert photographer ... and not every kid is photogenic when going through growth phases.  


Based on what you've said here .... say nothing and do nothing.  These kinds of observations would be hurtful to everyone.




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Re: My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

My slightly overweight grandson may not be everybody's idea of handsome but, to me, he is the most beautiful child in all of eternity and, while I may see an unflattering photo of him from time to time, I hardly think I'd come on here and talk about it.


As @Tinkrbl44 said, I'm gobsmacked by your comments.  



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Re: My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

My only thought, @GoneButNotForgotten, is 



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Re: My grandaughter's pictures...oh my!

my mother, RIP, used to say awful things. When my daughter was born she remarked that she didn't have much of a chin and "will need orthodontia". This was said immediately after my child was delivered, having been in the fetal tuck position for nine mos. Naturally her facial features assumed normal proportions after a day or two. And she turned out to be a pretty girl. 
The worst was my daughter's photo taken when she started US ARMY basic training at age eighteen. Non smiling, and her prominent green eyes had a scared expression. My mother said to me she looks like a frog. I wanted to smack her. 
So to the OP, I would say nothing to anyone about your opinion of your granddaughter's photos. It will only make you appear shallow and unkind. Let it be.