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@chrystaltree wrote:

@pattypeep wrote:

@cherry Thank you for your kind words. No, I didn't do anything on purpose. It's not in my nature to annoy people.


     You didn't do anything wrong and you should not feel that you have make any changes in something so innocuous.  The young man had the problem and finding a solution was HIS responsibility...not yours.  You were not playing a trombone or playing a drum.  He seemed to understand that so don't let people here let you think that you are responsible for the entire world.


The Op didn't realize the click noise. For many people this is very annoying. The Op now knows to turn the keyboard off. Not saying anyone has too. However, I am considerate of others.

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I guess we shouldn't look at magazines either because turning the pages might bother someone.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Teddie wrote:
I guess we shouldn't look at magazines either because turning the pages might bother someone.


You are comparing apples and  oranges.

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@Teddie wrote:
I guess we shouldn't look at magazines either because turning the pages might bother someone.

And add to that women digging in the bags looking for stuff, toe/finger tapping, coughing, and the occasional person who chooses the waiting room to trim their nails.

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I can't figure out why it annoys people when I play the cymbals in the library. 


As as far as nail tapping, I guess it would depend on how long it was going on. I'm pretty tolerant of most things though. 

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I must say, I never say anything to anyone doing it (except one time in a restaurant when 2 couples phones were going off constantly and they were laughing about it. I did say to my husband geesh must everyone be on their phone at every second and they turned them off).


But anyway I cant say I noticed "texting sounds" per say, but I am very annoyed by everyone being on their phones everywhere. Including stores, offices, movies, restaurants, and mostly in cars while driving!.


All of our Dr offices have signs that read to turn off phones too ,but no one seems to listen lol. My husband (who is a very laid back guy) actually wears headphones and listens to music while he waits for me at Dr.'s due to people on phones and people just over talking to each other. (The talking to each other in person doesn't bother me).

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles