Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎03-23-2010

My 5 year old hates Kindergarten and wants to go back to Pre-k!!

I'm the mom of 2 boys. We are a bilingual family and DH and I want to encourage the children to remain that way. We realize this can be hard on their teachers but it is important to us. My oldest started school 2 years ago with no pre-k and did just fine in school. Fast forward 2 years and now the baby is starting Kindergarten (we did get him into pre-k last year). It's only been 4 days into the school year and he refuses to go back to school. He complains that he does not understand the teacher. Yesterday, he brought home a worksheet with "not listening" and a frownie face written on it. Except when we asked him about it, he said he didn't understand it. I wrote an email to his teacher today explaining our circumstances and asked her to be patient with him, what else can I do? It breaks my heart to see him struggle. He knows this material; he did it all last year. He loved pre-k and his teachers there...

What to do, what to do...