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Registered: ‎05-11-2013

The few things I have ordered from QVC since the Covid thing started have come pretty much on time.


The one exception was my Ninja Indoor Grill. It was about a week late and it was no problem because things are nuts now.


I ordered 2 of those rolling trays you can put an appliance on.  The order was July 10th with an estimated delivery of July 18th.  I just checked and they are still in processing.


I was a little surprised but they aren't a necessity and maybe with the spikes in the virus cases things are moving slower.


I think I'm acquiring patience as a virtue.

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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

@CrazyKittyLvr2 , hope the order gets released and delivered soon.


How is Petunia coping with the heat? Does she still have middle-of-the-night zoomies, or is the humidity sedating her the way it does hoomins?

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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

I had to call out the national guard to get my deliveries last week, not from QVC, two other vendors.  It's obviously rough out there right now.  These poor carriers are just not getting a break.  I am trying not to order anything for delivery right now so they can catch up.  

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Posts: 5,170
Registered: ‎05-11-2013

@noodleann  Petunia is doing fine.  Yesterday morning she was on a tear but in the afternoon she slowed down.  Even the little dynamo was like "it's too darn hot to entertain you two".