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Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants


When I read this, it reminded me of something that happened to my family on the Greek island of Crete.


In the warmer months, most dining in Greece is done outdoors.  One evening during our summertime visit, our nephew and his family invited us to dine at a seaside restaurant.  Like many Greek seaside restaurants, it had a thatched roof.


About 14 of us were dining at a long table when a rat -- yes, a rat -- fell from the thatched roof onto our table.  I think most of us lost our appetite at that moment.

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Re: Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants

Oh well, it’s NYC so, what do you expect 🙃🤮

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Re: Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants

Unfortunately, vermin runs amuck in large cities because cities have thing that they love. 


All kinds of hiding places


TONS of trash


TONS of stuff they can eat.


I've heard about this kind of thing for years.


I would NOT eat in NY city.


Just my feeling on it.

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Re: Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants

@golding76 wrote:


When I read this, it reminded me of something that happened to my family on the Greek island of Crete.


In the warmer months, most dining in Greece is done outdoors.  One evening during our summertime visit, our nephew and his family invited us to dine at a seaside restaurant.  Like many Greek seaside restaurants, it had a thatched roof.


About 14 of us were dining at a long table when a rat -- yes, a rat -- fell from the thatched roof onto our table.  I think most of us lost our appetite at that moment.

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's a miracle no one lost their lunch!  How awful.  So sorry to hear that!!!

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Re: Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants

Outdoor dining is very different than indoor dining.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants

Guess what there are mice in your city too, read your Dept of Health Inspections posted at your State site sometime.  

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Re: Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants

No big deal.  I've seen much worse here.

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Re: Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants

Where I live we don't try and normalize rats running around while dinning. 

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants

There's the old saying, 'if you see one, there's a hundred.' 

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Re: Mouse Runs Overhead as Diners Continue to Eat at One of NYC's Finest Restaurants

We've had mice in our house, (yes, got rid of them post haste), but still we ate meals in my kitchen.  


I can be a germaphobe and probably use hand sanitizer more than I should, but I'm realistic that I likely come in contact with all kinds of germs all day long.  In my house, in my yard, at the barn.  It happens.  Not gonna stop going to restaurants, eating at other folks' homes when invited, having meals over the fire when camping.