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More on Credit Breach Protection

[ Edited ]

This is an excellent Q&A link explaining the Equifax fiasco and measures you can take to protect yourself. I didn't want it to get lost in another thread. 


Brian Krebs is an Independent investigative journalist, who writes about cybercrime. Author of 'Spam Nation', a NYT bestseller. Wrote for The Washington Post '95-'09


ETA:  And here is another article he wrote about Equifax' response/solution:


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Re: More on Credit Breach Protection

Yesterday I received a call from the credit card dept doing a security check. I thought it was a scam. I got online to check my cc & sure enough someone was trying to use it. There was a .98¢ pending charge. I called my credit union instead of the number left on my phone since I had no way of knowing who it was.

They closed the account & issued another card. This just happened about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I'm so sick of people that don't have anything better to do.

I wondered if this has anything to do with the Equifax Breach?

All I can say is at least Visa is on top of it. They caught it fast. My account must be one to keep an eye on since this is the 5th time it's happened with this card.

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Re: More on Credit Breach Protection

@Nightowlz- I'm certain it had to do with the Equifax hack.  That's what the hackers do.  They put through a charge for a very small amount, hoping you won't notice.  Once they see that processed, they go for the big stuff.


I agree with you - I'm also sick of people who have nothing better to do with their talents than cause so much havoc.  Disgusting excuses for human beings.


My DH and I are waiting to see if anything shows up on our CCs.  I'm very tired of having to deal with this kind of thing so often and there is NO excuse for a company like Equifax not having protected the sensitive data they hold.  It's not like they don't know how to; they just don't bother on the basis of cost and just downright laziness.  It's always after a hack like this that they say "we're so sorry".  Yeah, well so our we as customers who have no control over it.  Sorry just doesn't cut it!

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Re: More on Credit Breach Protection

@Nightowlz wrote:

Yesterday I received a call from the credit card dept doing a security check. I thought it was a scam. I got online to check my cc & sure enough someone was trying to use it. There was a .98¢ pending charge. I called my credit union instead of the number left on my phone since I had no way of knowing who it was.

They closed the account & issued another card. This just happened about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I'm so sick of people that don't have anything better to do.

I wondered if this has anything to do with the Equifax Breach?

All I can say is at least Visa is on top of it. They caught it fast. My account must be one to keep an eye on since this is the 5th time it's happened with this card.

It may or may not have anything to do with Equifax.  Our debit card has been compromised so many times I don't even use it anymore.  And that was all prior to the Equifax breech.


I didn't open the link above so excuse me if this is a re-hash but I was watching our local news and the "expert" they had on there said anyone affected should freeze their credit with all 3 major reporting agencies.


They also said the website given where you check to see if you were affected isn't reliable at all. They put in a bogus name and social and got the notice that they may be affected!



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Re: More on Credit Breach Protection

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@Nightowlz wrote:

Yesterday I received a call from the credit card dept doing a security check. I thought it was a scam. I got online to check my cc & sure enough someone was trying to use it. There was a .98¢ pending charge. I called my credit union instead of the number left on my phone since I had no way of knowing who it was.

They closed the account & issued another card. This just happened about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I'm so sick of people that don't have anything better to do.

I wondered if this has anything to do with the Equifax Breach?

All I can say is at least Visa is on top of it. They caught it fast. My account must be one to keep an eye on since this is the 5th time it's happened with this card.

It may or may not have anything to do with Equifax.  Our debit card has been compromised so many times I don't even use it anymore.  And that was all prior to the Equifax breech.


I didn't open the link above so excuse me if this is a re-hash but I was watching our local news and the "expert" they had on there said anyone affected should freeze their credit with all 3 major reporting agencies.


They also said the website given where you check to see if you were affected isn't reliable at all. They put in a bogus name and social and got the notice that they may be affected!



Four reporting agencies@, @Lipstickdiva. Innovis is the fourth. There are other important actions contained in the Q&A. 

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Re: More on Credit Breach Protection

@SaRina wrote:

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@Nightowlz wrote:

Yesterday I received a call from the credit card dept doing a security check. I thought it was a scam. I got online to check my cc & sure enough someone was trying to use it. There was a .98¢ pending charge. I called my credit union instead of the number left on my phone since I had no way of knowing who it was.

They closed the account & issued another card. This just happened about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I'm so sick of people that don't have anything better to do.

I wondered if this has anything to do with the Equifax Breach?

All I can say is at least Visa is on top of it. They caught it fast. My account must be one to keep an eye on since this is the 5th time it's happened with this card.

It may or may not have anything to do with Equifax.  Our debit card has been compromised so many times I don't even use it anymore.  And that was all prior to the Equifax breech.


I didn't open the link above so excuse me if this is a re-hash but I was watching our local news and the "expert" they had on there said anyone affected should freeze their credit with all 3 major reporting agencies.


They also said the website given where you check to see if you were affected isn't reliable at all. They put in a bogus name and social and got the notice that they may be affected!



Four reporting agencies@, @Lipstickdiva. Innovis is the fourth. There are other important actions contained in the Q&A. 

@SaRina, I know there are 4 but this expert's suggestion was to freeze it with the 3 MAJOR agenices.  Innovis must not be considered major. Not sure why you wouldn't just freeze it with all of them.     

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Re: More on Credit Breach Protection

@Lipstickdiva Have not put freeze on our accounts yet.

I have never had any problems with my debit card. We only use it here in town. Never have used it while on vacation, out of town or online.

We have never even looked at our credit report. I don't even know what one looks like. I figure if there is a problem we would know about it. Guess I should go to annualcreditreport & get one. I just don't like the idea of enterning ss # on the internet even though I did it the past 2 yrs for our taxes.

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Re: More on Credit Breach Protection

@Lipstickdiva, Innovis is considered an important piece of the credit puzzle and functions exactly like the other three agencies, so I imagine it is just as important to enact a credit freeze with them too. I did.

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Re: More on Credit Breach Protection

@Nightowlz, you can request a credit report and/or do a credit freeze by phone with each of the agencies if you feel more comfortable doing it that way than on-line.


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Re: More on Credit Breach Protection

@Venezia When someone used my Discover card they would not tell me the persons name. They told me I had to get a court order if I wanted that info. They asked why I wanted it. LOL!!! I said so I can knock them over the head with a baseball bat & the guy said well I don't know about that???

I was a little shocked when I received an almost $2000 statement. DH asked how much should it be & I said about $50. 

Now when it happens I pretty much know it rather quickly since I check my accounts online several times per week.

What makes me mad is these people get away with it so they keep doing it.

I asked Discover how it all worked. I was told since I had my card & the person using it to shop online did not have the card that the retailers would be the ones out the money not Discover. He said each retailer would have to go after the thief to get their money back. He said they just don't do that for these amounts because it's not worth it. They knew who was using my card because the moron ordered business cards & paid an electric bill with it.

The thief also used my card to eat at restaurants so someone working in these places was in on it with this guy. I don't think a restaurant is going to process a charge for dinner to a credit card if you don't have the credit card with you.