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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

Maybe seeing you doing something reminds him that he needs to do it too.



If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

@Susan Louise wrote:

Anyone else have neighbors like that? To me this is somewhat different than the saying 'keeping up with the Joneses'...


DH and I decided to get a few extra outside chores done this afternoon since it will no doubt be one of the last in the 70's til next Spring...barring any fluke days.


I decided to wash all our vehicles (DH's 1996 Dodge Avenger, his 1996 Chevy truck he inherited from his Dad, and my 1989 Firebird) and while I was doing that, DH was checking air in all the tires and sweeping the garage. After I washed each vehicle, I came in for a break for coffee and posted some more. 


Within 5 minutes, our neighbor across the street started to wash his vehicles.  He never does it on his own and only when we do ours....


I can go on and on about other examples, but I'll keep it short. All I can do is just SMH...LOL


Imitation is the sincerest form of compliment. I'm sure your neighbor's wife was pleased that she didnt have to ask her DH to clean the cars.

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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

I didn't mean to sound so flippant...I should have re-re-read it.  I usually do read it once (unless it's one of my bla bla's then even I (who wrote the thing) gets bored).


I am sorry for sounding so full of myself.   I live in Va and the weather here has been amazing!  I get so frustrated that I can't do things like I used to do.  I always say, "My brain says go go go and my body says no no no!  That was my first selfish thought.


I apologize.  You were just venting and I had to post such a stupid response.  I am sorry.  I'd like to say I won't do it anymore, but if you've read my posts you'd see I see to like my own words...I will try though.  I'm being serious here.

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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

I think of it as setting an example, hopefully it's  a good example.

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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

I have a good friend who is very nice and level headed, however when her next door neighbors had a patio put in right after she did , she was livid. I listened to her rant and rave about it, but myself, I confess I didn't understand her anger. I  mean lots of people have patios , it's not an original idea, but of course I didn't say that to her LOL. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

@Noel7 wrote:

@Susan Louise wrote:

@MyGirlsMom wrote:

I look at it this way:  when a neighbor sees or hears you doing something, it gives him or her impetus to do something as well.  In our neighborhood, when a lawn mower, weed whacker or other yard tool starts up, within a half hour others do the same. 

In your case, it may be your neighbors wife told him to get out there and wash the car.


@MyGirlsMom  Bless your heart! that's funny...LOL...I never looked at it that way. In this case, you may be right Smiley Very Happy



@Susan Louise


That's exactly what I was thinking!  LOL  I do believe I may have been guilty of that myself, "DH, Jim is cleaning his gutters, it might be a good idea if you do that, too."  Bad Noel Woman LOL


@Noel7  LOL...the system works...right?  Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

@Susan Louise. Your post made me laugh


The neighbor directly adjoining us does this all of time.  We moved into our home about the same time in 1988 and it's been going on for years.


He likes to keep his grass at the same height as we do, so as soon as DH cuts our grass. He cuts his too.  We thought at first that it was our imagination, so one week my DH cut our grass three times in 7 days and the neighbor did the same.  The grass didn't even need to be cut,


If we are away for a week or two and our grass gets high, his does too.


We have a backdrop of white pines that need trimmed,  our neighbor has two oak trees that he wants trimmed.  Every time we talk, he asks if we made an appointment to have our trees trimmed.  I think he is waiting for us to go first.

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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

I only wish it worked that way. I have neighbors on each side of my house who are slobs....they have no pride in home ownership.  

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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

[ Edited ]

@Carmie wrote:

@Susan Louise. Your post made me laugh


The neighbor directly adjoining us does this all of time.  We moved into our home about the same time in 1988 and it's been going on for years.


He likes to keep his grass at the same height as we do, so as soon as DH cuts our grass. He cuts his too.  We thought at first that it was our imagination, so one week my DH cut our grass three times in 7 days and the neighbor did the same.  The grass didn't even need to be cut,


If we are away for a week or two and our grass gets high, his does too.


We have a backdrop of white pines that need trimmed,  our neighbor has two oak trees that he wants trimmed.  Every time we talk, he asks if we made an appointment to have our trees trimmed.  I think he is waiting for us to go first.


@Carmie  DH said that it sounds like the neighbor wants to make some kind of deal with whoever you have come out to do your trees when they're there.  A "sneaky person" would make an appointment with you tree folks when mr nosy isn't around and then just have the trees done during some time that the nosy neighbor isn't around and then sit back and watch the excitement as the neighbor spents time looking around at what changed and then watch him scurry like crazy trying to get his trees taken care of...

Or, it's just a matter of wanting his trees to be the same height as yours after they are trimmed...kinda like the grass height?

Maybe the next time your DH and neighbor talk again you can have your DH ask your neighbor when he will be trimming his trees Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Monkey see, Monkey do...

I'd feel like I inspired the neighbors to follow my good example.  Or, as Oscar Wilde once said, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.