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Maybe they went insane from this ENDLESS GRAY GLOOMY HORRIBLE UN-ENDING WINTER and the non stop deluge of gloom and doom on every media outlet...


And thier family put them away.

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@Othereeeen wrote:

Maybe they went insane from this ENDLESS GRAY GLOOMY HORRIBLE UN-ENDING WINTER and the non stop deluge of gloom and doom on every media outlet...


And thier family put them away.

I'm feeling it. I usually don't mind winter but could seriously use a break from this one. As for the media, they'll drive you nuts is you let them. I try to tune them out, Sometimes I'm more successful than others.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@KKJ wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@goldensrbest wrote:

@Cakers3 , Just answering, her post there are others also,maybe i care too much.

@goldensrbest You posted on those threads. You doubted the name change when it was pointed and also started questioning why she would change her name.


It's her business. You are just pushing the envelope again about her.


Let it go. You are not making any sense now.


I agree, why all the concern if someone changes name or stops posting for awhile?


A lot of us having been posting on here for years with @SilleeMee .  I don't see anything odd about wondering what happened to a poster that used to post daily for years.  



@San Antonio Gal You are missing the point.


I've been here much longer than you have and also posted with sillimee 


The other 2 threads were removed by the mods.  This is another continuation. 


Once she started questioning the name  change on the other 2 threads sugipine left.


It was sugipine's decision to change her name and this continual questioning can lead to a poster not wanting to stay.


I still say let her be. If she wants to return that will be her decision alone and without having to explain anything to anyone.








"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Silliman now @SilleeMee was a favorite poster of mine, one of the few, and I regret not finding her here posting. I just hope she's well and will return.

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@We rescue cats wrote:

It is always a guessing game when a person just vanishes from a community, perhaps they passed on and the family had no idea that we even exist-or they don't have the password to get on to the board nor know how to use it. Any number of things can happen to cause a person to not post, illness, too busy or even just needing a break. It's different here because we have no way to reach out to an individual like most boards have.

@We rescue cats We used to be able to post our email in our profile way back when I started in 2007. Yes, my date is wrong as many others experienced a change with one of the updates.


I wasn't here for what I think was another name to chat here so probably emails were exchanged.


Plus there were pm features on other off shoot boards so posters could still meet up online.


I had many offline friends as a result and some I met through others once the email feature was taken away.


At that point sometimes we would tell someone "I'm going to post my email"and then delete it when they got it..🤪



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Missing posters

[ Edited ]




"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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There is nothing wrong with a poster announcing leaving.


It's a personal choice and as another poster said up thread some who did were jumped on.


There's no need to accuse someone of needing to be begged to stay either.


If someone says good bye, that's fine. 


Better than the gossip that often follows as to why someone is no longer here. Genuine concern is a different view. Guessing some not so nice unprovable pov's is not necessary.


Just my take.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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My post was out of concern,not a thing wrong with it.too bad some don't care,but they keep posting on my thread.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Whenever they decide to shut down these forums, everybody will be missing.   Life goes on.  

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@goldensrbest   I think many here do care. If someone leaves without announcing it, one can't expect us to notice right away.


 I, too, wonder where some posters have gone but if they choose not to tell us then we must respect that choice. It's really their choice how this is handled. I know some get disconnected or have computer problems, or leave for personal reasons or illness, etc. One can still say a prayer for them and hope they are well if they notice.


 With that said, I do appreciate when posters let us know if and when they can.