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Registered: ‎03-24-2018

If you’re concerned specifically about handling packages, mail, or groceries, there are no official recommendations that I’m aware of, but here are some practical tips:


Mail-order Packages


The likelihood that an item bought through mail-order, or its packaging, has virus on it when placed in the mail is extremely low. Also, by the time the package arrives, there has likely been at least a day since it was mailed, further reducing the likelihood that, if there was virus on it when mailed, that virus is infectious. By three days after mailing, the likelihood that any virus that may have been on the package when mailed remains infectious is virtually zero. The likelihood that the person delivering the package is infected and contaminated your package with virus is also very low. It would probably be quite safe to open the package on arrival. But if you want to be as sure as reasonably possible, you could pick up the package with a tissue, set it aside and out of the way, throw the tissue in the trash, wash your hands with soap and water, leave the package for three days, and then open it.


Regular Mail

The same reasoning applies to regular mail. The likelihood that it will have infectious virus on it when it’s delivered is very low. Mail should be safe to open on arrival. No harm to wash your hands after you open the mail — that’s what we do. But, again, if you’re worried about this and want to be certain, use the three-day approach described above for packages.



The most important thing about handling groceries is how you do your grocery shopping, not the groceries themselves. Take hand sanitizer with you. Many stores have disinfecting wipes at the entrance, but to be sure, you can take a few of your own. Before entering the store, put on a plain facemask that covers your nose and mouth (this is now an official CDC recommendation; a homemade fabric mask is fine). If the store has automatic doors, use these so you can avoid touching the doors or door handles. If the doors are not automatic, push them open with your shoulder or hip, or use a tissue that you then discard. Before you take a cart, disinfect the handle with a wipe. Then remember to touch only the part you disinfected.




Remember not to touch your face the whole time you’re in the store. As much as possible, avoid touching counters and other surfaces or objects that are touched by many other people, such as refrigerator and freezer handles. To be safe, use a tissue or scrap of paper to open things like that, then toss the tissue in the trash. If you don’t have a tissue, be sure to clean your hands with hand sanitizer after touching surfaces and objects that might be contaminated and before you touch your face. Try to touch as few things as possible while you pick up the items you need and place them in the cart.


If possible, use self-checkout to limit the number of people who touch your groceries. Exit through automatic doors, if possible. Before you open your car door, or after you enter the car but before touching anything, clean your hands well with hand sanitizer, remove your facemask, and clean your hands again.


When you arrive home, place the groceries on a table, another surface, or the floor. Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. The likelihood that any of the items you’ve brought home has infectious virus on it is very low, so you probably don’t need to sanitize them. If you want to be as sure as possible, and don’t need to use dry goods right away, you could leave them for three days before putting them away. But refrigerator and freezer items can’t wait; they have to be stored away.




After putting things away, wash your hands again with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.”

We all have to eat, breathe, and go on with our lives. The coronavirus pandemic is taking a terrible toll on so many of us, including our health care workers, people who have been infected, older people, and our economy. But it doesn’t have to dominate our lives – there are simple things we can to do reduce concern and disruption. A dab of hand sanitizer is a small price to pay for some peace of mind.



Dr. Sam Dooley is a medical epidemiologist who retired in January 2020, after 31 years of service at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Tom Frieden is former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, former commissioner of the New York City Health Department and currently President and CEO of Resolve to Save Lives, a global non-profit initiative that is part of the global public health organization Vital Strategies

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,602
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Thank you this was helpful. 

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,107
Registered: ‎12-17-2011

@FlowerBear  Thank you 🙏 

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Registered: ‎01-08-2011


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,345
Registered: ‎08-20-2012

         I spray my packages and mail with Lysol spray .  Leave them on the floor for a while and immediately wash my hands!!  Don't really know if it works, but makes me feel better about receiving items from outside my home. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,424
Registered: ‎07-21-2014

I leave the mail for a couple days without opening!  I wipe down any groceries or other stuff that I buy.  Washing hands alot!

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller