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Medical appointment via phones

I recently scheduled my first "telemed" appointment in July with a new endocrinolgist.  


Her office said they would send me a link, and we would do it over my "smart" phone.


Has anyone done a telemed appointment?  Just wondering what to expect.  


Of course, I'm planning on figuring it all out before the actual appointment, but was curious about experiences others might have had.



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Re: Medical appointment via phones

I don't want a smart phone. Too expensive. I'm afraid they will have to wait till I can walk in to the office.


I don't want to learn yet another techie device. Just paid 1,000 for a Apple Macbook air in Sept of '19 it's in the shop right now. More you got the more you have to pay out on, keep current, hassles, etc.

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Re: Medical appointment via phones

[ Edited ]

Aside from agreeing with @SharkE about smart phones and electronics in general, I don't understand how a telemed appointment could work unless it was for something routine like getting a prescription renewed.  On a first appointment, aren't "vitals" i.e, blood pressure, heart rate, temp, etc. taken?  How can that be done via a computer???  


Good luck @Witchy Woman 

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Re: Medical appointment via phones



I hear you!


However, I have a lower level "smart" phone, so it's not like I have to get a new phone.


Finally gave up my flip phone when it broke!


I'm OK with doing this, so that's why I agreed to give it a try.


I have trouble with tech, but I'll try!

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Re: Medical appointment via phones



She is in a practice with my GP, so she has my records.


This is for ongoing, noncritical thyroid issues.


I'm sending her records from my previous doctor, so she'll have my history.


I'm sure I'll see her in person in the future.

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Re: Medical appointment via phones

I'm sure this telelmed appt. can be done over a computer/laptop. Yes, I've had a telemed appt. & did it on my laptop. But, I agree with you about doing this type of appt. when you need blood pressure, pulse, check your thyroid etc.


Mine was an intro appt., new MD meeting. Not everything can be done on telemed.

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Re: Medical appointment via phones

DH and I each had a routine, quarterly check up via phone with our PC doctor.  Went smoothly and much faster (our doctor is talkative).  We usually have a seven hour round trip to visit doctor, so this saved time and money.

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Re: Medical appointment via phones

telemed appointments

can be done over iPhone/androids 

or other devices with a camera and your wifi connections


it's like any other facetime type of conversation, but with yr Dr.  

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Re: Medical appointment via phones

Hubby has had 2 with his doctor. He has an allergic reaction to pollen in his lungs  so he suffers in the spring. His doctor is aware of what it is and how to treat. He wouldn't prescribe the usual meds until he assured him that there was no fever. He needed stronger treatment since the first round didn't work effectively. Both visits went well.Let me assure you that my DH is NOT tech savvy so if he can do it,I think most people can. 


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Re: Medical appointment via phones

DH has had multiple telehealth appointments using my iPad. They have gone very well and it’s been a great option, especially with cases rising here.