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@LillyandHobo wrote:
Hi I just wanted to let you know that several kinds of animals including cats somehow get caught. I would worry about if they are starving and need help? I am a total animal lover, ever squirrels that most don't like. But i would get it checked and see if their is an animal in distress in there. Just my two cents worth. Glad your shingles are getting better my poor mom had them three different times....Stay well and take care/..

@LillyandHobo : I don't want anything to suffer . Will have everything checked. You must have me confused with someone else because I didn't have the shingles and don't want them. Let me share this with you: I had broke out with what I thought was a bad rash. After a distance look from my doctor - he left the exam room and sent another doctor in with a lamp and wearing a face shield. She proclaim "chicken pox " . I yelled but l'm 40. Add insult to everything- the next week a special product was released for chick pox and can't remember what it was because long time ago. However a few years ago, my same doctor said he needed to confess something. He had never had chicken pox. He forgot about everything and examined an elderly patient with shingles and later had chicken pox. Thank goodness that he can't blame me for it. He always says that I am one of his unique patients.

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@SouthernBee  He was an amazing, wonderful man.

However, his medical emergencies kept me on my toes.


Another story for another time......

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@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@SouthernBee  He was an amazing, wonderful man.

However, his medical emergencies kept me on my toes.


Another story for another time......

@Annabellethecat66 : I always enjoy your post . Stay safe and enjoy your weekend.

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@hckynutjohn wrote:



Might consider investing in a custom made set of ear plugs, contoured to fit very well just inside your ear. 


Scared people prefer lights on, but. That allows the boogeyman to find you easier than in the dark. 


You outta hear the sounds in our patio room at night, where I sleep in my recliner. Not insulated like our house, and with all glass doors and 2 windows where doors could not be placed. All kinds of animals visit us 24 hours, including the nocturnal. No fear here with my wife or myself.



hckynut  ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸






@hckynutjohn wrote:



Might consider investing in a custom made set of ear plugs, contoured to fit very well just inside your ear. 


Scared people prefer lights on, but. That allows the boogeyman to find you easier than in the dark. 


You outta hear the sounds in our patio room at night, where I sleep in my recliner. Not insulated like our house, and with all glass doors and 2 windows where doors could not be placed. All kinds of animals visit us 24 hours, including the nocturnal. No fear here with my wife or myself.



hckynut  ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸





@hckynutjohn : I always enjoy reading your post and helpful suggestions. I have thought about ear plugs but need to be alert and available if DH needs me for anything.


@hckynutjohn wrote:



Might consider investing in a custom made set of ear plugs, contoured to fit very well just inside your ear. 


Scared people prefer lights on, but. That allows the boogeyman to find you easier than in the dark. 


You outta hear the sounds in our patio room at night, where I sleep in my recliner. Not insulated like our house, and with all glass doors and 2 windows where doors could not be placed. All kinds of animals visit us 24 hours, including the nocturnal. No fear here with my wife or myself.



hckynut  ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸





DH said the same thing about me leaving the lights on for the boogeyman and always add : just leave all the doors and windows open. DH  has put up with a lot of silly stuff from me. He is my "hero " when he kills any spiders in the house.

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@qualitygal wrote:

Yeah, something got in wall, no doubt.  Exterminator can probably help.

@qualitygal : I totally agree but was praying that it was something outside.

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Everyone needs a hero!  ðŸ’ª

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@Othereeeen wrote:

I also vote for a cricket.


They make a high pitched chirping sound with thier wings and it can be maddening at night...but they do it in the daytime too..


I live in the country so not worried about a little cricket....they are harmless to people and pets...


My cats usually catch and EAT them!!! All I find are the long hind legs!!!



Try to find it when it's chirping and put it outside. They don't bite or sting so you can catch it in your cupped hands....

@Othereeeen : Had issues with crickets at our previous house and this sound was different.

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@Bri369 wrote:



Are you still hearing the noise?  I wonder what it could be?

@Bri369 :

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@deb5555 wrote:

Sometimes when electronics run low on a battery a chirping sound is heard, maybe thats all it is?  It chirps til you replace the battery...All to familiar here.  

@deb5555 : I am familiar with that sound and all electronics were the first thing checked. Also checked the smoke detectors. When I was single and living alone had issue with the smoke detectors at  in the middle of the night. My neighbor heard the sound. Him and his wife came over and changed all the batteries and checked everything in the house. 

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@SharkE : Mercy..... me don't like any kind of snakes. Don't even like to see them while watching something on the tv.