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Mayo - ONLY Duke's!



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Best Foods Mayo.

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Even though I also like mayo, I LOVE Miracle Whip.


I buy it when it's on sale. 


Mayo: I buy it no matter what.  One brand or another is usually on sale, regardless.


Love Miracle Whip on burgers, in sandwiches, on salads.


It's truly a 'miracle' type of mayo.  Very unique.

Great invention, imo.



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Definitely mayo for me. Preferably Hellman's. Hubby prefers Miracle Whip on sandwiches, but mayo in potato or macaroni salad.

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Hellman’s. I bought Miracle Whip once early in my marriage, made hubby a sandwich, and he said “Honey, the mayo went bad”. Never have I had it the house again. I had never eaten it, grew up on Hellman’s, but it was on sale. Waste of money because I couldn’t even give it away.

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For me, definitely Best Foods (Hellmann's) mayo. I really don't care much for Miracle Whip.

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Miracle Whip , Mayo is too 'eggy'. LOL

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I grew up on miracle whip, I didn’t like mayo when I first tried it. I also grew up on margarine (healthy fat / forget the name). When I got married I thought I want real ingredients so I switched to mayo and butter;
hardly eat mayo but love butter. I wouldn’t touch the previous now.
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@kittykatkay wrote:

@Icegoddess wrote:

Despise Miracle Whip.  Only Hellman's Mayo for me, although I need to try Duke's.  I hear it's a Southern thing and being a Southern girl I should at least give it a shot. is definitely a "southern thing".  We grew up on Duke's and my sister still only uses Duke's.  But I love Hellman's mayo so much, that's what I now prefer and only use.

@kittykatkay @stevieb , it's probably because my mother only bought Miracle Whip, so I never got Dukes.  When I grew up I started out on Kraft Mayo, but when I discovered Hellman's I never looked back.  And it's gotta be the original Hellman's.  Not that low fat or canola oil one.

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I don't eat either one on sandwiches but prefer Miracle Whip in salads.
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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