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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

@happycat wrote:

@Mersha wrote:

Another day, another mass killing in the US.


I thought after Sandy Hook we would attempt to work together to try to eliminate as many issues as possible to avoid more killings.  Sadly, that was not the case.


Of course there is mental illness in this country, just as there is in every other country in the world and, yet, the US always leads in mass shootings.



And along with mental illness, we have a lot of sheer hate, seems like in this country. Its scary.


Any of us could be in an unfortunate place, the next time there is one of these shootings. In my opinion, these shootings are being carried out in more places that are the norm. I have never been in a night club, but I was in a Wal Mart just yesterday.


What are we suppose to do, if we are in a store and someone starts shooting? Do we run, do we hide, or just what are we suppose to do?











All I can tell you is my co-workers and I do yearly training on mass shooting incidents. It's called Run, Hide, Fight.



The first thing you do is Run out of the building.



If you can't get out, you Hide.


Hide in a room, turn off lights and cell phones, and barricade the door, and be as quiet as possible.


If you can't hide, then you Fight. Use whatever you can as a weapon against the shooter. Throw things at the shooter.



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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

Another sad day for us,when will this horrible events end?watched cnn this am named the victims an ages,plus the shooter.we all need to say an extra prayer today.

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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

We don't focus on right and wrong any more, we tolerate way too much out of people, and we almost excuse them with oh they deserved more, or someone was mean to them, or it's "easy". . . 


What about simply it is wrong?  What happened to the responsibility for the act?  Easy?  Easy doesn't excuse anything.  Killing, looting, drive by's, all sort of unexcusable stuff. . . and you don't hear very much about blame for the perp.  

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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

[ Edited ]

@agb80 wrote:

This kind of thing makes me want to never step inside another grocery store and just order online from now on. 






I could list hundreds of daily activities where a person is more at risk than to "step inside a grocery store". It's hard for me relate to people that choose to live their lives in fear of actually living it.


Sure there are dangers in life and always have and will be. Are there more now than back in the days of the cavemen?  I flunked history, but I am guessing there were many dangers surrounding them.


Life moves on and most can make their own choice how to live theirs. Some of the posts on these forums for me are not "living", they are "existing". If that makes some happy with life it's their right to do so.









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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

I worked in an elementary school a few years ago, and I will never forget doing an active shooter drill with a kindergarten class.


One little girl came up to me when it was over and told me that she thought someone was really coming in the classroom. Had to reassure her that was not the case and reassure her in any way I could, then tell her teacher. 




I remember drills for fires/tornadoes and yes, getting under the desk for an atomic bomb attack. It's a shame many things that used to be explained in the home, now fall on so many in their professions. 


Dangers have always been a part of my life, starting with growing up in Public Housing Projects.










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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

@happycat wrote:

@Mersha wrote:

Another day, another mass killing in the US.


I thought after Sandy Hook we would attempt to work together to try to eliminate as many issues as possible to avoid more killings.  Sadly, that was not the case.


Of course there is mental illness in this country, just as there is in every other country in the world and, yet, the US always leads in mass shootings.



And along with mental illness, we have a lot of sheer hate, seems like in this country. Its scary.


Any of us could be in an unfortunate place, the next time there is one of these shootings. In my opinion, these shootings are being carried out in more places that are the norm. I have never been in a night club, but I was in a Wal Mart just yesterday.


What are we suppose to do, if we are in a store and someone starts shooting? Do we run, do we hide, or just what are we suppose to do?



@happycat, since I was employed by a large university, I went through 2 different mass shooter trainings that our university paid for security and law enforcement experts to conduct for all employees.  Not much had changed between the first one and second; except they added "fight".


I will be glad to pass on what they stressed to us and what I specifically remember.


The first thing they stressed is to train yourself to react.  Both times they emphasized that the difference between some people making it out and others not, is that the ones that made it out were those that reacted quickly and not trying to explain away the noise.  They would rather you react and laugh about it later if it does turn out to be a car back firing, etc.


They tell you your first action is to run with the plan to get out of the building.  Try to focus on where the gunfire is in relation to you of course in order to try and run in the opposite direction.  You can zigzag if necessary and use poles, shelves, whatever to provide some type of shield while you run.  But they stress not to zig zag so much that it adds too much time to gaining an exit.  


The goal is to get out of the building. 


If there are factors that come into play in which you are not able to run or make a safe exit from the building, you should hide.  Preferably in a space where you can put a couple of barriers between you and the shooter.  The 2nd training then added if you hide, look for anything you can use as a weapon in case you might have to use it.  Think about anything, a heavy object, anything that sprays or some agent you can toss in their face.  


In the case you are left in the situation in which you cannot avoid the shooter, try to use the element of surprise & use the weapon, spray, or chemicals.  Since we were in a nursing school with offices they gave us the example of hair spray, bottles of rubbing alcohol, or anything caustic that might be available.  But that is your last choice.  Unfortunately they stress if it comes to that you are left no choice but to try and fight back.  


The one thing I had not thought of at all when I went through the first training was they tell you if they do hide, like in an office, bathroom, closet, etc. & when the police do arrive not to go running to them.  They want you to immediately put your hands up so they know you are not a bad person with a gun.  Honestly, I never thought about that.  I would be so glad to see them, but they don't know who all the bad people are so that makes it a safer situation for all involved. 


Just passing on what we were taught.  They also did say at our last training that this is our world today so that everyone should always know the exits when you go into any type of a building, whether it be a movie theater, a restaurant, a clothing store, an office building, or a grocery store




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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

@Anonymous032819     Saw your post after I posted.  Yep, we were taught the same thing.   

* Freedom has a taste the protected will never know *
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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

[ Edited ]

@pitdakota wrote:

@.Anonymous032819     Saw your post after I posted.  Yep, we were taught the same thing.   

Well, thank you both as well, as @Shanus  for sharing these tips with us and @snowpuppy- I'm heading to youtube now to watch the video.

I pray to God none of us one this board need to use this information. 

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Re: Mass Shooting in Boulder

@happycat   I'm old enough to remember sitting in the hallway at school, after the air rade alarms, with our hands/arms covering our heads.