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March Flowers at the Back Fence

I so wish all our buddies would keep coming back here. This is such a neat place to sit back, chat and just enjoy everyone's company. I am especially worried about the Queen - she is such a joy but has not been around for some time and was not feeling the best at that time.

While we were desperate for water out in California we have had enough - for now. With ground that had turned into cement due to no rain or super little, and the fires we have had in the past year, this rain was too much, too fast to be completely productive. We had a lot of damage due to slides - both mud and other debris.

Today was a gorgeous day but quite chilly and of course had to watch where we stepped due to mud and a lot of water still standing around.

Our church has a new pastor but it is in such turmoil. A couple of families seem to be running things - am so disappointed to see what is happening. Our music genius was fired - and the elders will not say why. But a son of another elder is in music so I guess it will be a given. As time has gone by I have learned of a lot of things which have happened there - am not sure at this point it is the place for me. I have been sooooooo happy there but for the past few months there have been nagging questions. I am disappointed in a lot of things. So I have no clue at this point if I stay there or leave but will visit some other churches to see what the atmosphere is. I am older than dirt and this is the first time I have experienced such behavior in a church.

Am leaving some HOT coffee and have a flood light as in some areas it is now dark. Bundle up yet I also brought along an outside below ground fireplace - it provides some great heat. Took a bit of doing to get it in but it will work. Have to have a below ground as I live in California and we are fire aware so I do follow the rules. Hey, we can also roast some hot dogs over this fire - sounds good to me.

Hope all are well!!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: March Flowers at the Back Fence

Thanks for shoring up the fence for us Winifred. I am leaving some hot coffee and paczki (cherry, apple, raspberry, blue berry).

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: March Flowers at the Back Fence

hi ladies,

I left 2 posts on the Feb. back fence.

One however has disappeard.

I asked Bird mama :

if she also has her vit.d checked when having her thyroid blood work done?? Mine was low for over a year and bw done in january showed it was very low.Am now takening a script for it.

Winifred do we have flowers blooming at the fence??

We are still having snow tomorrow and maybe Friday..grr.

I left some rice cripies at the fence last they might be stale now.

Howver i will take a cherry paczki that bird mama left for us..thanks

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Re: March Flowers at the Back Fence

HASD, I am sorry that I didn't respond to your post. Once I leave one month I never look back {#emotions_dlg.blushing}Wink.

When my OBGYN did a boatload of blood work last October, vitamin D was among the things tested and it didn't come back flagged or anything. I am one of those people who requests a copy of any and every test performed on me (lol). I take one a day woman which has vitamin D and calcium in it already and once they metioned osteopenia in my hip/spine, I started taking 2 more caltrates per day (calcium with vitamin D). Any tingling I was having in my fingers and hands decreased by 90% before I even saw the endocrinologist in January. I wonder if I was calcium deficient? I am getting ready to go for my first follow up this Thursday to see the levels of the thryoid since taking Synthroid. I feel a bit more peppy and have more energy to exercise so I am hoping my levels reflect how I feel. I started on a 90 day supply of brand name Synthroid ($$$) on January 29th I think and hope she don't change the dosage since I have many pills left from the first RX.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: March Flowers at the Back Fence

Have been busy today. Blanched collards last night and have them in the freezer now. Did some weed pulling outside and they were everywhere. Brian came and mowed my lawn so now my place looks a tad decent. Just finished getting green beans ready for blanching and then freezing. Not hard to do but it takes a lot of popping on the one end and then blanching them in boiling water and then putting them in ice cold water and then laying them out on towels to dry - THEN into freezer bags. Not at all difficult but just takes time. And of course trash pick up is tomorrow so have all the containers out on the street. And of course had to clean the kitty boxes - sure wish they would be happy with ONE litter box. Geesh. Also got my load of scrub cloths in the washer and out on the line. S I G H !!!! Was going to have some leftovers but was tired - after three nights in a row of eating the same thing. Fix some TV Veggie Bird Nests - really like those things.

Hope all had a great day!!!

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Re: March Flowers at the Back Fence

Winifred - I am intrigued, what is a veggie birds nest?

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: March Flowers at the Back Fence

We actually saw sunshine today. Didn't get above freezing. I could only get my front storm door open a crack because of the ice and the driveway outside the garage door was too slick to take a chance on. I really wanted my paper so got my back scratcher through the door crack and snagged the paper. Then I could scoot it over to the opening. I was quite proud of myself The establishment is trying to figure out what they can do to enforce people to shovel their walks. Some people just can't do it and can't afford to have it removed. The kids walking to school have to walk in the streets which is rutty and slick. The snow that has been plowed is piled in parking lots. What a mess. We are on a corner lot so have a lot of blowing to do but this ice underneath is a bear. We spring forward with our clocks on Sunday. I liked it when we didn't have to worry about changing clocks but the politicians want that extra hour to play golf. Don't believe it when they say it is for the cows. Lol
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Re: March Flowers at the Back Fence

Hey Betty, about time you got back here. LOL>

Bird Mama, Veggie Bird Nests are from Trader Joe's. They are veggies cut small and thin and shaped like a little bitty bird nest. They come with soy sauce but I do not care for that so just eat the veggie bird nests. They are sooooooooo good. I often just have them for dinner. They are in the frozen section and there are 8 in a pkg - pkg costs @3. plus - close to $4. They are very addictive. Cannot remember who mentioned them, but heard about them on the What's Cooking Thread many moons ago. You heat them up in the oven. I think you can also fry them - not sure - I use the oven.

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Re: March Flowers at the Back Fence

Yock, it's funny you should mention that daylight savings time is for the cows. In the mid 80's my Mom's dog developed cancer and at the time, the only veterinary place that could really treat it was Purdue University. Long story short, I made many trips to West Lafayette Indiana and I remember in the summer, farmers and smaller towns would not recognize daylight savings time BECAUSE it upset their livestock {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: March Flowers at the Back Fence

Winifred, we have Trader Joe's around here and I will have to try those birds nest things. I don't eat much meat so veggies sound appealing to me.

I had my first follow up with the endocrinologist since I started the Synthroid. I received an email that my test results were in and available on MYChart - a system available through my health care facility. Wow, they took blood in the morning and the results were in by 6 pm that same day. My TSH went from 7.62 to .56. The normal range (according to the lab) is 0.30 through 5.0. I haven't received a call yet and am hoping my dosage won't change. I take 75 mcg now and don't have to go back until June. We shall see. The doctor may drop the dose. I still have over 50 pills left from the last prescription. {#emotions_dlg.blink}

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise