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Re: March Bird's Nest - Welcome the first signs of Spring

On 3/30/2015 possummink said:

This is a riot, Possumm, I sent it to DD.{}

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Re: March Bird's Nest - Welcome the first signs of Spring

Hi Birding Friends, I just finished a postfor here and hit the wrong thing and sent it into oblivion. I hate, hate, hate Windows 8. I have more trouble that his laptop is worth. If my son hadn't given it to me, I'dslam it against the wall and then stomp on it.

I will try to get here earlier tomorrow, when my brain is more functional. So depressing to have everything just right and then hit the wrong key. I had just copied the above photo of the doves, and was hoping that maybe I'd have been lucky enough to copy the text too, but oh no, cyberspace gets fed again!!!

I am missing "my" owlets. One did stop by for a bit and I was hoping Mama Owl would come and feed him. I am so worried that they aren't getting fed much now that they've left the nest, more or less for good.

Have a lovely Tuesday.

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Re: March Bird's Nest - Welcome the first signs of Spring

I know just how you feel, Possumm, I have lost quite a few long posts to cyberspace, so frusting. The doves are beautiful!{#emotions_dlg.wub}

I sent the pictures of Mom, Papa, and babies to DD, and we both enjoyed the pictures.

Saw a Stellar Jay in my garden this afternoon, and a scrub jay took a bath in the large bowl that I have had outside for years. I saw two little birds perched on separate branches of a rosemary bush, didn't know that birds would perch on such plants. I bought, online, many bird friendly plants, also butterfly milkweed and plants for them, coneflowers, daisies, etc. I look forward to seeing much activity this year.

The weather is beautiful lately, so have been spending most of my days in the garden, heavy duty pruning, weeding, and potting cuttings, etc.

Hope everyone enjoys the week ahead.

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Re: March Bird's Nest - Welcome the first signs of Spring

That's a sheep right? Talk about pep in your step, I think that sheep thinks it's a dog. That will be what I look like when I am leaving work for a 4 day weekend this Thursday {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: March Bird's Nest - Welcome the first signs of Spring

That sheep is hysterical - I too sent it to a couple family members.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: March Bird's Nest - Welcome the first signs of Spring

The bird of the day is the Chukar

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: March Bird's Nest - Welcome the first signs of Spring