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Re: Man spends 15K to become a collie

Meanwhile, a zoo in China is denying that one of its bears is really a man in costume.


Chinese bear.png

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Re: Man spends 15K to become a collie

15K invested in a good psychiatrist would have served this man well!

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Re: Man spends 15K to become a collie

If he's not breaking a law or hurting someone else (including any animal), I don't think buying an expensive costume is "crazy" or any different than spending $15,000 on a piece of jewelry.   What he chooses to do is what he chooses and I don't put my standards on him or anyone else.  

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Re: Man spends 15K to become a collie

@ValuSkr wrote:

Meanwhile, a zoo in China is denying that one of its bears is really a man in costume.


Chinese bear.png


That photo sure looks like someone in costume.  Look at the wrinkles across the rear end and the legs.

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Re: Man spends 15K to become a collie

@ValuSkr wrote:

Meanwhile, a zoo in China is denying that one of its bears is really a man in costume.


Chinese bear.png

That's a man ! might fool the kids. hope a real bear is in there with him.

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Re: Man sends 15K to become a collie

@katie1859 wrote:
There is ABSOLUTELY no fix for stupid.




True, but I don't think this is "stupid".  Seems more like just "weird" to me.  Weird isn't illegal.   


Having said that .... if he puts on a collie costume and goes out when it 100 degrees, now THAT would be stupid, lol.  Woman LOL

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Re: Man spends 15K to become a collie

@goldensrbest wrote:

This man is SICK in the head!!!

@goldensrbest What if he were a golden?  How would you feel then?  Woman LOLWoman SurprisedWoman WinkHeart

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Re: Man spends 15K to become a collie

@Starpolisher wrote:

@SharkE wrote:




My sentiments Exactly!

Lord, What kind of world are we living in!?🙏🏽 I worry for my grandchildren. Between the climate changes, population, high cost of living, crime and just plain nutty people, seems like the whole world is going crazy! It's scary! 😮 😥


@Starpolisher  @SharkE  @Mindy D 


Here's a thought .... perhaps the world isn't getting any crazier, at all.


Perhaps there have always been weird & crazy people everywhere, but before the internet, we had no idea most of them existed.


See?  It's all the internet's fault.  Woman Indifferent

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Re: Man spends 15K to become a collie

@occasionalrain wrote:

I'm pleased for him, and glad he could afford it. 




LOL ... at least he isn't going aorund shooting people with automatic weapons.  Rather harmless, really.

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Re: Man spends 15K to become a collie

Lassie would be very proud and pleased.