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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

This woman is disgusting. I find it hard to believe that she cares for her kids as much as she says she does. CPS should definitely be involved! When I worked with Child Abuse in the 70's, I was always so surprised that so many of the mothers lived in a kind-of fantasy world! My caseload was all babies given up for adoption or taken away by the courts. More than a third of my caseload were incest babies. The laws were not as stringent then as they are now. When I would interview the mothers of the pregnant girls, nearly all were aware of the child molestation going on, but chose to ignore it! Most of pregnant girls gave up their babies for adoption, but several kept them!!!

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On 11/17/2014 mstyrion 1 said:

I think back to all the posters who argued what a good mom she was and how she loved her children. I saw only one or two episodes of the show and had a bad feeling about that family from day one.

I learned a long time ago to trust those feelings.

Any one in their right mind only had to look at her and know. Yes, I remember the posters who gushed over her and honey booboo. {} Very gullible individuals. They are what makes reality TV a hit and why you see more and more of it.

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Registered: ‎07-24-2011
On 11/17/2014 SmittenKitten said:
On 11/17/2014 mstyrion 1 said:

I think back to all the posters who argued what a good mom she was and how she loved her children. I saw only one or two episodes of the show and had a bad feeling about that family from day one.

I learned a long time ago to trust those feelings.

You've only been here 2 months so how did you "think back to all the posters who argued what a good mom she was?"{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

I didn't see the interview today.

Whether she's been here 2 months or 2 years her post speaks the truth. Oh.., and I have no idea who this posters is.

I said if from the start, the family is a group of inbred back woods trash. They've proven every word to be true. No saving grace with this family.

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The 1st time I saw this woman was on Toddlers/Tiaras....and my 1st thought was what trash.....and that child was like a ""wild thang"".....something never seemed quite right about her and that kid....the kid I feel sorry for...she is a product of her environment....and only knows what she is taught or in this case not taught.

As for June herself and this whole abuse/denial thing....I have a feeling she herself was abused in some way....her behavior around her children is that of a parent without boundaries.

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Mama June is a bold face liar. I can't even believe Sugar Bear is back on her her side. I think he just needs the money.

I can't believe that Dr. Phil didn't touch on this…. June told him she only saw Mark when she was bringing his son 6 packs of diapers. Why the heck was she bringing that mans son ANYTHING?!

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I don't know if she was abused or not; but if she were abused, you would think she would be more sympathetic to her own child being abused.

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I'm watching it right now (on YouTube)... she's a creep.

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Uncle Poodle took a lie detector test and passed with flying colors.

He said June is lying through her teeth and he saw June in bed with Mark AND Alana.

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I'd say the woman is a pig, but then I'd be insulting pigs. Let me just say she is completely vile. Physically and morally. Vile.

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Registered: ‎12-16-2012

I have only seen this family as guests on talk shows. To me she looks almost inbred. What is her family background?