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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@alicedee wrote:

I don’t think the vitriol is against these particular people, so much as a backlash against the “Hollywood community” that uses public venues such as awards shows to tell the world how socially conscious they are...When in reality, many have shown they have NO conscience when it comes to getting what they want.  


And of course its not the entire entertainment industry.....but the perceived hypocrisy leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many.


Just my thoughts.

@alicedee  Yet people still go to the movies, watch award shows, and watch TV.


High praise is bestowed upon the Hollywood elite depending upon whether one agrees about certain topics.


It can't be both ways.


There may be vitriol toward Hollywood in general but Lori and Felicity have been called some pretty downright nasty names around here. 


Including how stupid their children are.


We can all have opinions about what happened but some of the remarks have really been out of line regarding the persons themselves.


We see threads constantly started about the latest Hollywood gossip du jour; if people are so turned off by Hollywood then why do we always have to be updated about  it?


I understand what you are saying, however.

@Cakers3, I strongly agree with this post and your previous one. It has become a feeding frenzy that focuses on Hollywood, the place that our posters have such a love (intense interest as evidenced by the constant posts/hate relationship.


We are once again forgetting that as far as I know, only two out of dozens are celebrites. Those who rail againt Hollywood conveniently gloss over that.

@suzyQ3While we no longer go to the movies, we do watch TV and movies when they come out after their run at the theaters.


But I don't get all interested in who is dating who, who is getting divorced, who got arrested, who wore this and who said that. 


I just figure the entertainment, which I can pick and choose, is just that-entertainment.  I dismiss the nonsense chatter that comes out of the mouths of some-they are just people with the same warts and off-key opinions as the general public.


I find it odd that those who  huff and puff about CEO's big salaries do not seem disturbed about the millions made by "acting".  I know the industry provides many jobs but a big paycheck is still a big paycheck.


If this had not been Lori and Felicity, I think this whole fiasco would be sliding away without such fanfare.

@Cakers3, oh, I think that it's implicit in their attitudes toward celebrities.

There are many people who make much more than they should or than they are worth. I think the public recognizes that. To say they don't, is ridiculous. Movie stars, "reality" stars, politicians, musicians, lawyers, CEO's, Oil barrons, silicon valley phenoms, big pharma execs, etc. etc.  Obviously if some big fish in a podunk town pays off the community college president to get his kid into that college, it might not make national news, but SOMEBODY will cover it in that podunk town. Sometimes it never gets out. Other times it does. This time in at least Lori's case, it is over the top bribery with a money laundering factor. There are most likely more who have escaped under the radar, but I don't think this is anything new and shocking. Somehow, though, nobody seems bothered by the practice of recruiting certain athletes who have neither the grades nor the inclination to be a college student, giving them a free ride through college, such as it is. These people are also taking up a space that could go to a serious student. And don't try to say I'm castigating all athletes. I said CERTAIN athletes. That's why I think they should just pay athletes as semi pros to represent these schools. In the end, they can get an associate degree in "football" or whatever sport they are playing.

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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering

@Harvard99 wrote:

@magicmoodz wrote:

Oh the irony of it all -- judging posters for judging celebs. 


Look, the fact that Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin are in the headlines every day comes with the territory of their chosen careers. They have to deal with good publicity and bad publicity. Lori is getting a lot of blowback every day from every newscaster I hear reporting. Her choice, her consequence. As far as I am concerned, I hope the judge slaps that arrogant smile right off her face.


Working with criminals for so long, my curiosity is always piqued when someone comes running to their defense. 

 @magicmoodz So well said!


So let me's not okay to criticize a celebrity but it's just fine to critcize a fellow poster? 

I fairly sure she meant exactly what she said: it was ironic. It's kind of like jibberjabbing about jibberjab. And while we cast stones, there are people defending the person because she is a celeb, but there are also people rabidly calling for the book to be thrown at the two because they are celebs. Their deeds are something that had to be addressed whether they are celebs or not. They have to be held accountable whether it's a face on television or my nextdoor neighbor.

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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering

@magicmoodz wrote:

Oh the irony of it all -- judging posters for judging celebs. 


Look, the fact that Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin are in the headlines every day comes with the territory of their chosen careers. They have to deal with good publicity and bad publicity. Lori is getting a lot of blowback every day from every newscaster I hear reporting. Her choice, her consequence. As far as I am concerned, I hope the judge slaps that arrogant smile right off her face.


Working with criminals for so long, my curiosity is always piqued when someone comes running to their defense. 


@magicmoodz  It certainly boggles the mind.

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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

@Cakers3  You obviously don’t know me. I don’t have a hateful bone in my body.Nor do I resent rich people for succeeding. I live extremely comfortably & then some.

  I live an honest life.I believe in values & charity.That’s how I raised my son.DH & I didn’t use our wealth to buy our son into a spot in the university he attended or the law school he is presently attending. He is busting his butt on his own & succeeding on his own.

  The only issue I have are with people who think they are better than everybody else because they are wealthy. They have twisted values,period.” To whom much is given much is expected”.

  Yes, What Lori Loughlin did sickens me because she used her wealth to cheat the system & innocent kids were hurt in the process.She to quote you in this instance was not living honestly or charitably. 

  My sympathies lie with those hurt by her actions.Don’t equate my feelings about this matter with me resenting people with money who live honest & charitable lives.It’s the farthest thing from the truth.


The phrase, “....who think they are better than everyone else”

is an emotion you placed upon them.  All people are/have been 

immoral enough to commit a crime like this. Nothing special with

Loughlin/Huffman.  The courts will take care of it from here.

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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering


Not sure who is defending Lori and Felicity??



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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering

@RainCityWoman wrote:

@Harvard99 wrote:

@magicmoodz wrote:

Oh the irony of it all -- judging posters for judging celebs. 


Look, the fact that Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin are in the headlines every day comes with the territory of their chosen careers. They have to deal with good publicity and bad publicity. Lori is getting a lot of blowback every day from every newscaster I hear reporting. Her choice, her consequence. As far as I am concerned, I hope the judge slaps that arrogant smile right off her face.


Working with criminals for so long, my curiosity is always piqued when someone comes running to their defense. 

 @magicmoodz So well said!


So let me's not okay to criticize a celebrity but it's just fine to critcize a fellow poster? 

I fairly sure she meant exactly what she said: it was ironic. It's kind of like jibberjabbing about jibberjab. And while we cast stones, there are people defending the person because she is a celeb, but there are also people rabidly calling for the book to be thrown at the two because they are celebs. Their deeds are something that had to be addressed whether they are celebs or not. They have to be held accountable whether it's a face on television or my nextdoor neighbor.

Upthread I said, twice I think, that they all need to be treated the same as anyone else under the law.  That's been my point all along.  Since Huffman and others have now pled guilty, I have zero doubt that any of these people are innocent.


How many times do we hear of people pleading guilty in any court of law?


It will be interesting to see if any new charges will be filed against the ones already arrested or if any of the young adults will be charged.

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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering

@Cakers3 wrote:


Not sure who is defending Lori and Felicity??



Yeah, I'm baffled by some of these last few posts myself, @Cakers3 

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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering

@sidsmom wrote:

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

@Cakers3  You obviously don’t know me. I don’t have a hateful bone in my body.Nor do I resent rich people for succeeding. I live extremely comfortably & then some.

  I live an honest life.I believe in values & charity.That’s how I raised my son.DH & I didn’t use our wealth to buy our son into a spot in the university he attended or the law school he is presently attending. He is busting his butt on his own & succeeding on his own.

  The only issue I have are with people who think they are better than everybody else because they are wealthy. They have twisted values,period.” To whom much is given much is expected”.

  Yes, What Lori Loughlin did sickens me because she used her wealth to cheat the system & innocent kids were hurt in the process.She to quote you in this instance was not living honestly or charitably. 

  My sympathies lie with those hurt by her actions.Don’t equate my feelings about this matter with me resenting people with money who live honest & charitable lives.It’s the farthest thing from the truth.


The phrase, “....who think they are better than everyone else”

is an emotion you placed upon them.  All people are/have been 

immoral enough to commit a crime like this. Nothing special with

Loughlin/Huffman.  The courts will take care of it from here.

@sidsmom   It’s not an emotion it’s an opinion!! We are going to have to agree to disagree when you say all people are “immoral enough to commit a crime like this”.I believe most people are better than that.

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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering

[ Edited ]


But how does one define ‘better than?’

And why are Loughlin & Huffman different than anyone else?

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Re: Lori Loughlin and husband just indicted with additional charge of money laundering

I just spent the afternoon with my oldest daughter.  She said she has problems with the whole thing here.  But she did say what bothers her the most (if she had to choose) is when she thinks of the money she's spent on tutors (for the SAT's, all through the school years, etc); and (being facetious "Had she only known she could have written out a check for a zillion dollars and saved herself the worry".


She said between the emails and calls she's getting offering up tutoring, etc. she's ready to go crazy!  


They leave tonight for LA to visit family and do a little sight-seeing.  But, while there, my granddaughter will take the ACTs (somewhere, I have no idea).  


We live in Virginia, but she will be out of town so my daughter has made arrangements for her to take them in California.


I have 3 daughters and we had to do all of this (jumping through the hoops) 3 times.  We were totally novice at the time (in the late 80's) because my late husband went to night school to get his Bachelors and Masters.  I went to a Community College during the day (stay at home mom). 


We weren't familiar at all with what I call "the college game".  What an experience!


I was telling her I remember when my late husband called William and Mary College (in Va) and demanded (on her behalf ) why she didn't get into there (her first choice).  It was a nightmare at our house until he finally made that call.  It was a learning experience for her.  She had to learn just because we want something and work very hard to get it......we don't always get what we want.  After the call, life moved on..thank goodness.  Ha!


This was a kid who never made more than an A from the day she started school.  She was in every club in school, honors, etc.  You know what they told him?


They said it was because she'd never worked while in high school (she'd only worked in the summer for some extra money).  


My husband said, "She did have a job.  Her job was to go to school and make good grades; and she did".  Ha!


Anyway, my point for telling this is because there's so much secrecy on how these kids are accepted into these colleges, it's stupid..just stupid!


I think they need to remove the secrecy and lay it all out and tell the kids why they weren't accepted, one way or another.


In our case it all worked out.  She went to UVA and got her Masters at Georgetown.  On her first day at UVA she met the man who was eventually her husband.  They've been married now for 18 years (I believe).


If the entire process was out in the open there would be less chance for things like this to happen.


These very rich people get their kids in by donating millions of dollars to the school of their choice for their kid.  It's been coming out in the open many of these other celebrities, sports figures, etc.  did just that.


I say, open the doors and windows.  Let the light in on how the kid is accepted.  Show the process used.