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Registered: ‎04-24-2012

Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

He'll kill himself if you leave? He's hurt the baby whether intentionally or not ..... see a lawyer asap and get a restraining order. This guy is dangerous. I would scream bloody murder when 'visitation' comes up!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

After reading post #45, I personally would leave this allegedly abusive unhealthy situation. I would go to an attorney, and get a restraining order.... and kick him out of the house. If you have low income you may get legal aid, especially in this allegedly abusive situation.

"He has hurt the baby in the past"....RED

(I now disagree with you Yorkie.. after reading her post #45)

Super Contributor
Posts: 473
Registered: ‎04-24-2012

Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

Please don't "think" he would never hurt you. Many battered women have thought that. He is obviously unstable and you need to get your baby out of this situation. You never know what will set him off next and what he might do, intentionally or not. You need the restraining order to keep him away (hopefully). If he's threatened to kill himself if you leave him, he may just do something to the baby to get back at you because he knows you love the baby and he's obviously jealous that the baby prefers you. I am so so sorry you're going thru this but I know you'll do the right thing and protect your child no matter what. Please get all the information you can even if it means going to more than one attorney. Again, good luck.

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Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

I, too, have to say GET OUT after reading post #45.

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Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

I wish you the best... and I would consult with a lawyer not with a shopping channel forum. That is my best advice for you. Good luck to you! [and after reading post 45 I would have gotten out a long time ago]

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Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

The thing is, even after post#45, this man is still going to have access to her son if she leaves - quite likely, UNSUPERVISED access. Of course, if it was just this woman I would have a different opinion but she is trying to figure out how to best shield and protect her son.

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Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

This is a bad situation that could get worse. Do you have an a center for abused women in your area? Call them now. You could stay at a shelter with your baby for a time while you get on your feet. You need to get out while you can.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

OP needs to tell the courts whats going on.If she has proof, he can only have supervised visits.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,454
Registered: ‎01-13-2013

Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

It's difficult to have proof of what she is describing.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,570
Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: Looking for advice not judgment.

Remaining in a perilous situation isn't going to protect sbrcal and her son from future custody visitation danger. Staying there also means they're in harm's way now, and they're living with abuse, threats, and emotional blackmail. I hope sbrcal will call one of the domestic abuse hotlines or look at the websites, find the good people they'll direct her to in her community, and get the help that's available now.

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