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Life magazine to resume printing

Yes, printing.  Although who knows what it will look like and sell for.  Here is an excerpt from an article in today's NYT:


Life, the iconic photography-focused chronicler of the 20th century, has taken on many forms, including a weekly magazine, a website and the occasional special issue.

Now, it is set to resume regular print publication, thanks to a deal between Barry Diller’s IAC and Josh Kushner, the venture capitalist whose Thrive Capital is one of the biggest investors in OpenAI, and his wife, the entrepreneur and model Karlie Kloss.

Kushner and Kloss are buying the publication rights to Life from Dotdash Meredith, the print and digital publisher. The deal is being done through Bedford Media, the media start-up that Kloss leads as C.E.O. (The price wasn’t disclosed.)

Life was once a central part of American culture, featuring the work of renowned photographers like Robert Capa and writing by top authors. 

But its popularity plunged after the 1970s, with the magazine largely being reduced to light reading and celebrity news. In 2008, it became an online archive with occasional newsstand editions.

The backstory: Kushner approached Diller about resurrecting Life about eight months ago, DealBook hears. His pitch was that the magazine could be resurrected in print and online — as well as in newer iterations like events and collaborations with brands and major studios.


What’s next: Bedford will begin hiring senior editorial staff for Life, which is tentatively set to resume regular publishing early next year.

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Re: Life magazine to resume printing

It will be interesting to see the new version.

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Re: Life magazine to resume printing

I always loved Life magazine.  My mom got me a vintage copy of my birthday month and year.  It's one of the neatest presents she ever got me.😃🌸

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Re: Life magazine to resume printing

@cheriere wrote:

I always loved Life magazine.  My mom got me a vintage copy of my birthday month and year.  It's one of the neatest presents she ever got me.😃🌸

@cheriere I think we all loved it.  But I am guessing that this new iteration will be Life magazine in name only. It is an interesting move though.

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Re: Life magazine to resume printing

@cheriere wrote:

I always loved Life magazine.  My mom got me a vintage copy of my birthday month and year.  It's one of the neatest presents she ever got me.😃🌸

Mine, too.  In fact, my parents also bought Time and Newsweek magazines when I was born.

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Re: Life magazine to resume printing

@SloopJohnB wrote:

@cheriere wrote:

I always loved Life magazine.  My mom got me a vintage copy of my birthday month and year.  It's one of the neatest presents she ever got me.😃🌸

Mine, too.  In fact, my parents also bought Time and Newsweek magazines when I was born.

That's nice that you have both magazines.  Actually, mom didn't buy mine when I was born.  She searched and kept checking back with an antique shop until she finally managed to find it.  

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Re: Life magazine to resume printing



@On It wrote:

It will be interesting to see the new version.

@On It  I agree.   I started to subscrbe to Time again. It's different from the Time of decades back but it's become one of my favorite sources for news of many sorts.

Hope the new Life also turns out just as interesting.

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Re: Life magazine to resume printing

Interesting. I always loved that magazine. My aunt had a subscription to it and I always loved flipping through the pages as a kid. I guess you could say I was a bit of an egghead. My hope is that they keep to the original version in size and content. Unfortunately, in today's world that may not be possible without the issue costing upwards of $20.  May not be feasible. 

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Re: Life magazine to resume printing

Too little; too late.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,928
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Life magazine to resume printing

My father especially, loved Life magazine. He had every copy going back to the 1930s and bought a 2nd copy of especially newsworthy issue ( Coronation of Elizabeth II, Birth of a Baby cover and Death of JFK). Dad passed in 1998 and we sold all those magazines to a Dealer for $2500.