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Leaves beginning to change color!

The leaves on some of the trees in our area are changing color ever so slightly. Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. The colors, the smells, baking, cozy clothes, casseroles, the return of This Is Us.....can't hardly wait. The colors in Fall just take my breath away. God has the best box of crayons for sure.


Oh, and did I mention Pumpkin Everything!!! I'm ready!!😊🍁🍂

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Re: Leaves beginning to change color!

Yes, pretty soon all you Northerners who complained about the heat, will be groaning about snowdrifts. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Leaves beginning to change color!

Where do you live?  We won't see any color change for a few weeks, perhaps longer.  

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Re: Leaves beginning to change color!

I too love the fall, and early winter...not really a summer person, hate the humidity..I feel better physically in cooler weather...I love fall/winter clothes so much better than my summer wardrobe, but to each his own, right?

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Re: Leaves beginning to change color!

@Kachina624 wrote:

Yes, pretty soon all you Northerners who complained about the heat, will be groaning about snowdrifts. 

I guess, technically I'm a Mid-Atlantic'er. But, I don't complain about the heat, because the heat brings beefsteak tomatoes and glorious corn on the cob! And I would never complain about snowdrifts. We don't get enough these days. Snow is magical. It makes neighbors more neighborly; it encourages families to snuggle; it provides everyone with infinite amounts of free playtime material. 


As for the leaves, I see some leaves falling down, but not a real change in color yet. The nights have been unusually cool, however. And mornings have been more like October than August.

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Re: Leaves beginning to change color!

@Kachina624 I won't be complaining about the snow. We chose to live in the Pacific Northwest so we would have the four seasons. I'm originally from Montana and we lived in North Dakota for 10 years, so the snow and cold don't bother us.😊

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Re: Leaves beginning to change color!

@chrystaltree We live in Washington State. A lot of folks here have bushes called "Burning Bush" because at the peak of Fall, all the leaves are this amazing and vibrant red color. I noticed on that bush this morning, that there are a couple of leaves that are already turning that's a sure sign that Fall is just around the corner.😊

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Re: Leaves beginning to change color!

Woo Hoo!!  I absolutely love the Fall and Winter seasons!!!


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Re: Leaves beginning to change color!

[ Edited ]

I love fall and love the snow!    It depends on the tree but my tree in front of my living room and bedroom windows is slightly changing to yellow.  A tree across the way is bright yellow and one on my side but further down is rust orange color.  Love the fall with pumpkin pie and pumpkins and corn stalks.  Also, love the snow and I hope we get a lot this year.  Love when it's falling and covering the streets, trees and grass -- so pretty.  When I lived in California for 4-1/2 years, I found it quite boring except for the fog rolling in over the bridges in SF.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: Leaves beginning to change color!

@Kachina624 wrote:

Yes, pretty soon all you Northerners who complained about the heat, will be groaning about snowdrifts. 




Guilty.  But this has been an awful summer: very hot to really raw and rainy to high humidity!  This old bod can't get used to it.  And allergies abound! Got gas yesterday and the guy was sneezing while pumping! I wake my furbaby sneezing for half hours at a time! Even Eddy, who doesn't mind the heat, comes in from outside sneezing!


But, definitely, I am not an ice and snow person. Eddy loves every season as long as he can play ball outdoors!Woman LOL