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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

"Outgoing mail slot"? At a grocery store? I don't believe I've ever saw a blue USPS bin @ a grocery store. And if there was a USPS bin, it would be locked to be opened only by the USPS, correct? If tampered, that would be a federal offense.

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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

I remember seeing a documentary about the Post Office a few years ago and it said that thieves always go after envelopes that look to contain birthday cards since they know that relatives often send money (and now, I suppose, gift cards) tucked inside a birthday card.

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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

When I receive a card with a gift card inside, I can feel the gift card even before I open the envelope. It would be harder to feel a check but sometimes you can see a check through the envelope if it's flimsy.

I'd definitely tell people about this. Someone who handles the mail stole it. Not saying it was a USPS person, could've maybe been someone at the store where you mailed it. Still, I'd tell the manager and anyone else who'd listen.


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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

Did the store just have this outgoing mail slot for the convenience of its customers or was it from the USPS // I think someone from the store probably took it

I go to visit someone and the management of the complex has a basket of outgoing mail in the lobby

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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

Who would leave their personal correspondence in an open outgoing container? That's so risky.

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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

On 1/5/2015 Fona said:

I remember seeing a documentary about the Post Office a few years ago and it said that thieves always go after envelopes that look to contain birthday cards since they know that relatives often send money (and now, I suppose, gift cards) tucked inside a birthday card.

It would be very easy for a savvy postal employee to feel the gift card, even in a card. I've heard they can even detect checks. They are just like sending cash.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

I learned last year to never again send cash in a birthday card after my DD never got hers. This year, I Sent gift cards in padded envelopes or small boxes but even then it's still risky. Thankfully they all arrived .
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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

If you think this doesn't happen often, read this news story. One of my state's postmistresses was fired and sentenced to jail after they caught her stealing gift cards.


As to the mail slot--it was at the customer service desk at a local big name grocery store. It is a slot cut into the desk front. At the desk, they sell stamps, lottery tickets, cigarettes, money orders,take payments for utility bills, etc. While it is not a postal service blue box, it seemed a safe enough place to mail two Christmas cards. Like I said, I learned my lesson!

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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

That happened to me with a Kohl's $50 gift card I enclosed with my daughter's birthday card ...

I thought I could use the numbers on the receipt given to me by the store where I bought it ... but they do not print the entire number on your receipt ...

I now make a copy of the back of the gift card so that if that ever happens again, I will have something that can be tracked ... and this past Christmas I purchased virtual gift cards that can be emailed directly to the recipient or to your computer ... very convenient ...

~~ Good enough is good enough ~~
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Re: Learned the hard way--don't mail gift cards!

On 1/5/2015 graycatsrule said: I think I would talk with the manager of the store. Who knows, maybe there were other complaints.


Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein