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Commercials are supposed to grab your attention, get you talking or thinking about the product so I guess these commercials are a tremendous success.   It does not bother me because odor is a fact of life and glad there are products to address it.  If people talk about something it is no longer taboo.  I have not tried Lume but I am curious about it.  I use a natural deoderant and it works but still curious and always looking for greener pastures.

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I don't know where others live, but I'm out and about and haven't, except for the perfume bathers, encountered anyone who had an unpleasent odor. I don't go to the gym, maybe people there are pungent. Before you suspect that my sense of smell is deficient, it's not. 

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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

I don't like those commercials either! I mean, come on. It's just over the top and invasive for a commercial. I would never go to the doctor, if she is a real doctor. I would run!

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Maybe follow the advice often given here , push mute.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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See the source image

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010



While watching Andy Griffith!!!!



Let's look in for moment, to Andy's little kitchen, where a fragrant wonderful home cooked meal is in front of Andy and Opie, and Aunt Bea has gone into the living room for a moment to get some linen napkins to use with lunch...


The swinging door to the kitchen opens, and Aunt Bee, her face ashen, her hand to her upholstered chest, comes in slowly..


"What's wrong Aunt Bea!???" Andy asks, as he gallantly arises from  his chair and helps his sticken aunt to her chair....Opie looks concerned...



"O Andy!!!!  I was just in the living room...and you won't BELEIVE what I saw on the television!!!! Opie!! You're supposed to turn the TV off before coming to the table!!!"


"Wayall, what did you see?!?!?" Andy drawls.....


"There was this woman...O Andy it was terrible!!!....she was talking about...( Bee looks at Opie and shakes her head and Andy asks him to go outside for a minute while Bea explains, whispering in his ear)...


"She was talking about....bathing her "nether parts' because they stink after only taking a shower!!! O you think***gasp*** I could have that problem?!?!?!?"


Aunt Bea doesn't get to hear his answer because she has fallen face down into the homemade mashed potatos, overcome with embarrassment and shame.


Tune in next week when Andy has to explain to Opie what those products for male nether parts are used for.....can never start manscaping at too young an age!!!



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Registered: ‎03-13-2010



Next time you see the commercial, look at her nose closely...oddly discolored and if she's been "sniffing out" the problem too long...


I want to know who does the evaluation of BEFORE you use this product ( Besides this "doctor"....By the way, here in PA we have an alleged "doctor" running for office...the title no longer confers respectability in my opinion....)



A chemical concoction looking for a use.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,157
Registered: ‎07-26-2019

  In working in hospitals there are some people whose sweat really has an odor .

some medications that people take emit odors through their sweat .

Some Renal impaired patients may carry a funny odor. Also where I worked the men that  worked to maintain the hospital grounds would come into the building  from time to time and  if you were on the elevator with one of them their  BO would abt knock your socks off.

Bathing daily does not always eliminate these odors , so maybe these are reasons for the product .    I did see  the  new commerical .

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Registered: ‎07-24-2013

If you have a SMART TV set your Privacy button to ON. Otherwise they collect your viewing data. 


Have only seen these ADs on YOUTUBE cuz they get mentioned here so i'm curious.


i watch TBD (a re-runs cable channel) and kept seeing ADs for this device for elderly women so they dont have to get up at night to potty. somehow she channel knew i was old, pee at nite and a woman. LOL

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,838
Registered: ‎07-24-2013

@skatting44 wrote:

  In working in hospitals there are some people whose sweat really has an odor .

some medications that people take emit odors through their sweat .

Some Renal impaired patients may carry a funny odor. Also where I worked the men that  worked to maintain the hospital grounds would come into the building  from time to time and  if you were on the elevator with one of them their  BO would abt knock your socks off.

Bathing daily does not always eliminate these odors , so maybe these are reasons for the product .    I did see  the  new commerical .

And certain foods and spices. like curry (gag)


... AND Tooth decay...