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Last night's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"...

in which she learned of her ex-fiance's baby being born.


First of all, I don't understand why she considers it any of her business. THEY BROKE UP, HE MARRIED SOMEONE ELSE--when is she going to get a clue that she's not involved in his life any more...


...BUT...I thought Whitney's reaction at the very end was very sweet; she seemed very sincere in her happiness over the baby. But I think Chase and his wife should steer clear of Whitney as much as possible because if they don't, she'll try to worm her way back into some kind of relationship with him.


After Buddy blurted out the news, I think Whitney WAY overreacted. Maybe he shouldn't have done that but I think Whitney freaked out and made it all around her.


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Re: Last night's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"...

I can't watch that train wreck anymore so I get my updates here! It's always about Whitney, no matter what "it" is!


Someone posted here months ago that they had done some digging on the ex and found out that he supposedly had an ongoing relationship with the woman he married, it wasn't just a fling.


I'd have to get paid a boatload of money to go on camera and make a fool of myself!

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Re: Last night's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"...

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Re: Last night's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"...

I tuned in for a minute and saw Whitney’s fake outrage, then turned the channel.  Time for this show to be replaced with something better.

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Re: Last night's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"...

Over-reacting seems to be normal on reality TV.  Honestly, I often wonder what people are getting so excited about - they act like they are 13.  They act like they never had to deal with a REAL problem.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Last night's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"...

I am prety much done with this show.  At one point, I muttered, "who cares!"  Nothing in the show is remotely entertaining any longer.  Either the show needs much changing, or to end.

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Re: Last night's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"...

Whenever I check in, Whitney seems to always attempting to prove she's capable of doing everything an average weight girl can do. She does it at great expense of lack of stamina. Then, everyone praises and adores Whitney for her accomplishment. 

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Re: Last night's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"...

This is not real life.  It is a television show, therefore, it doesn't make sense.  


Chase was never in a real relationship with Whitney.

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Re: Last night's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life"...

Chase is not married to the mother of his baby.  He's with her, but not married to her.