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Re: Las Vegas bans grass lawns

@Cakers3 wrote:

@JamandBread wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@JamandBread wrote:
How dare they walk all over our rights just because someone else might suffer? There's plenty of water. We are surrounded by water. There's no proof we are running out. This is a ploy to make us buy woke landscaping. I'm not doing it.

@JamandBread   I am not sure if you are serious or not.



I'm not. It was a lame attempt at a joke. I had no idea this was happening. I think it's horrifying and so elemental it has the same impact as a meteor heading toward earth.

Everyone needs water. This should be front page every day.

@JamandBread   This highlighted sentence bothers me. 


However, now that you "know", be involved.

@Cakers3  it really should! It bothers me.

I knew there were always water limitations in the drier parts of the country, but I had no idea it was this bad. I had no idea that discussions are underway to pipe in water from the great lakes, and that there are water bans everywhere.

Just recently i heard that a body was found in a lake that had dried so badly, they expect to find all kinds of things that had once been submerged.

It's terrible. It should be reported on constantly. There should be politicians screaming about it.

When I read your post yesterday, I thought to myself, I complain everyday about the rain here, the snow here. I won't do it again. 

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Re: Las Vegas bans grass lawns

Very dry where I live, my yard consists of rocks and cacti. Needs very little of anything. I like it that way. Everything is blooming now, even without water. The desert is resiliant, people are less so. 


There are situations here where land owners are selling water rights, crazy!

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Las Vegas bans grass lawns

@JamandBread wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@JamandBread wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

@JamandBread wrote:
How dare they walk all over our rights just because someone else might suffer? There's plenty of water. We are surrounded by water. There's no proof we are running out. This is a ploy to make us buy woke landscaping. I'm not doing it.

@JamandBread   I am not sure if you are serious or not.



I'm not. It was a lame attempt at a joke. I had no idea this was happening. I think it's horrifying and so elemental it has the same impact as a meteor heading toward earth.

Everyone needs water. This should be front page every day.

@JamandBread   This highlighted sentence bothers me. 


However, now that you "know", be involved.

@Cakers3  it really should! It bothers me.

I knew there were always water limitations in the drier parts of the country, but I had no idea it was this bad. I had no idea that discussions are underway to pipe in water from the great lakes, and that there are water bans everywhere.

Just recently i heard that a body was found in a lake that had dried so badly, they expect to find all kinds of things that had once been submerged.

It's terrible. It should be reported on constantly. There should be politicians screaming about it.

When I read your post yesterday, I thought to myself, I complain everyday about the rain here, the snow here. I won't do it again. 

@JamandBread   Thank you for your reply.


I have trouble getting behind people not aware of environmental issues that have been brewing for decades.


All this jumping on the "climate bandwagon" TODAY just irritates me.

Sorry, I do not mean you and I don't mean to pick at you.


I realize not everyone has followed these issues as some others have;  but droughts around the world are nothing new.  We have had water contamination since forever.  Love Canal anyone?


The news has been out there but since folks had the "it doesn't affect me" mentality the devastation continued.


Now we are all in the same boat (we never got off it really) there is all this angst happening.


Some may say at least we are trying to do something now.  "Now" isn't cutting it. 


I'll stop before I start naming names in the news. 

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Las Vegas bans grass lawns

[ Edited ]

The "experts" at the University of Washington say that Western Washington will get colder and wetter from storms coming off the Pacific Ocean which is OK by me.  I hate hot weather (especially when it is humid).  I hope they are right.  I bought a new warmer coat for the occasion!