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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized

so many sources so we cant positively say which source is correct......but here is the TMZ article that @missy1 is referring to:



Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom are still married, and she is making medical decisions as Lamar lies in a coma.

TMZ broke the story, last July Khloe and Lamar both belatedly signed the necessary documents to end their marriage. As we reported, Khloe filed for divorce in December 2013, but let it sit for more than a year and a half, in part because she wanted to save the marriage.

Although they signed the final divorce docs, we've learned there's an extreme backlog in the family law courts and the divorce will not become final for at least 2 more months.

Since they are still husband and wife, Khloe is in a position to make medical decisions for her husband, and we're told she has already made several of them.

Khloe arrived at the hospital Tuesday night, hours after Lamar was admitted.

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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized

@NoelSeven wrote:

There have been brothels throughout history.  Better to have them controlled with health care rather than the alternative with women enslaved, beaten and passing along disease.

Prostitution is legal in many countries.  In Italy, the ladies are beautiful, well educated and live a very nice lifestyle.  They receive medical attention and are screened for stds regularly.  Prostitution and brothels will always be around so it is best that they are regulated and safe.  

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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized

@missy1 wrote:

TMZ: They are still married. Can make all the legal/medical decisions. 

The judge has a backlog, and hasn't signed it off.


Will she get his $? 

Hmmmmm.  I heard on our local news that the judge hasn't signed off the papers yet.  He has children and they need to be considered.  I would think that they would be allowed in to see him as well.  Hard to say what the almost ex K female will decide. 

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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized

Thanks for that info, Sunshine!


You know, maybe where I saw that it was finalized was just actually where they signed the final papers - and then comes the period before it's actually finalized LEGALLY in the court.


I can't even imagine how hard this must be on Khloe.  For all that's happened the last couple of years I do know that she has always loved him.  Smiley Sad   


I feel pretty ominous about this.  I haven't read if his parents, his brother, and his sons are there.   I would imagine they are.  

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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized


Sad story.  He had said the Kardashian family were the only ones who loved him unconditionally.


They are still supporting him, that's nice.

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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized

@foundinlv wrote:

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

@chrystaltree  It's important to an investigation in case things need to be legallly handled. 

@Tinkrbl44  He probably overdosed on his pill of choice embarassing.  He's not so old he would need to use such 'assistance'.  Something wrong with the manhood??

I agree and why would an athlete need viagra unless it was to offset drug use.  


eta:  next month he'll only be 36 years old!

I imagine to enhance the experience more; many healthy men take viagra and not only  for Ed.  The drugs/alcohol may have been a factor as well.  It seemed that he was having a few days of excess....

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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized

I hope Lamar recovers,does not look good. I think this was a wake-up call for Scott D. checked himself into rehab,hope he stays this time.

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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized

@chickenbutt wrote:

Thanks for that info, Sunshine!


You know, maybe where I saw that it was finalized was just actually where they signed the final papers - and then comes the period before it's actually finalized LEGALLY in the court.


I can't even imagine how hard this must be on Khloe.  For all that's happened the last couple of years I do know that she has always loved him.  Smiley Sad   


I feel pretty ominous about this.  I haven't read if his parents, his brother, and his sons are there.   I would imagine they are.  


TMZ said Lamar's family is also with him at the hospital.


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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized

Can't we just stick to the topic of Lamar Odom and leave a brothel discussion for another thread?

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Re: Lamar Odom ~ Hospitalized

Supposedly she has a massive life insurance policy on him....multi-millions.


I bet Kourtney has the same on Scott.


I just hope that they left the cameras at home and stop making Lamar a story line. I think they discussed him this past Sunday...