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@Shanus   Yes she is being critical but do you think it's to her advantage? I don't.  I think she's shooting herself in the let her do so.  

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@Shanus wrote:

Oh cr-p! LR again? Who gives a fig...especially on Q forums. Where's a mod when you need one? 

(feel a poof coming my way)



The same could be said about any number of subjects on these forums that "don't belong" here because they are about previous hosts, previous vendors, and any website or product not sold on QVC. There are many (most) topics I don't care for or about. I pretty much don't even go into them. I might dislike them and wish those thread starters would not post, but that's not the way it works. I don't get to decide what should and shouldn't be allowed.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Feel sorry for her.  She selling brass jewelry and doodads from the oouch in her living room. 

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@Shanus wrote:

Oh cr-p! LR again? Who gives a fig...especially on Q forums. Where's a mod when you need one? 

(feel a poof coming my way)


        Obviously, you care.  Otherwise you wouldn't have posted a response or tried to bait the mods into ending a thread that irks

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She's such a big phoney.  Her house is filled with the Q's merchandise. 


Now she found something better.  Right.  LOL

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I am very much a realist aided by a heightened intuition.  Anyone who still believes she was not shown the door is living my dream. 😁

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@chrystaltree wrote:

Feel sorry for her.  She selling brass jewelry and doodads from the oouch in her living room. 


Don't mean to be a 'hater' but I really thought she had more potential than what we are seeing. I'm beginning to think she left without a real plan, assuming that many offers would fall into her lap, and from outside here, it seems like they haven't. Perhaps this is just a bridge to something  else for her, but it does seem dismal coming from somone who was at the top of her game just a couple of years ago.

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I had to go to her page to see what you all were talking about with the candles. I was thinking real candles, and couldn't imagine what brands we were talking about. Now I get it.


And I think she could easily have touted the 'improved and better' timer in her brand, without going on so long or so much about the failure of the timers on the other brand. 


And some people will assume she is talking about one brand with the flames, but others might think she is talking about the brand Q started with, before the flame came. So in a  way she is casting doubt on two very popular and tried brands, who have loyal customers. To state one time, that many of her older candles timers have failed, and these new ones address that with new and improved technology would have been fine, but she went on and on. 


I think she needs a producer in her ear still to keep her on track with what she is saying in presenting the product. 

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This was brought up in a thread about LR last week in Q Talk.  I think the thread was either deleted or locked.


I don't own either brand of candles so I can't say one way or the other. 


But the other night, I was on FB and a notice popped up that LR was live.  I clicked and she was doing a live chat while driving her car with Katie as the passenger. 


I didn't stick around so I don't know what the point was but it seemed very, very dangerous.  What a distraction.  How awful if she would have been in a wreck doing that live chat.  

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She was doing a Live Chat while driving? 


What is wrong with her?  That's so incredibly dangerous and stupid.