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I got my cat when he was 2. He was a trap and release. Tried to make him indoor. Couldn't do it, so we take him out on a leash. Yes, I walk my cat like a I also take him for car rides and he sticks his head out the window like a dog.  We only allow him to do that in our neighborhood  where the speed limit is 15. We take him to petsmart to walk around. He never goes outside unsupervised. He wants to go out he goes on a leash, no exceptions.

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A friend was justing telling me about the garden her

husband made in the back yard. They said the neighbors

cat is coming over and doing it's business there. 



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True but cats who are outdoors cats do wander and if they have been neutered or spayed, they make their way back home.  Not that any of my cats were ever outdoors cats. Cats are so self sufficient that people tend to forget that there are a lot of hazards out their. 

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I see both sides, really do. I have cats that go out and always felt sorry for the ones never allowed out, hear me out first please<


we all love the fresh air and sun on our faces and just the out doors so I always felt for cats that dont get  to experience this, being in 4 walls 24/7


i always wondered what do they do 24/7 ? what can they do besides eat & sleep?

dont they get bored? just some thoughts I always had on indoor cats.

to never be able to roll in the grass, feel the sun and wind, nap in the shade, chase a butterfly, watch insects scurry around. they are missing so much if never allowed out.


I do agree with all though about the dangers, problems, roaming etc. just always wondered how happy a cat can be cooped up 24/7 inside 4 walls is all.


i have neighbor cat problems too from it coming over so I see that side like you all do too.

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[ Edited ]



My 2 cats are indoor cats, but they are allowed to go on the  patio that has a fully enclosed high fence---they are not jumpers and have never tried to get out.....They have all kinds of toys to play with, some that are interactive....On my enclosed patio they can lie in the sun, they also like to catch June Bugs and other insects and bring them inside Woman Tongue....They also sit on the window sills they watch the birds/squirrels and watch people walk their dogs.....


So much can happen to cats that are outdoors or are indoor/outdoor cats---They can be killed by coyotes/dogs, get run over by cars, there are some cruel people that will throw things at them or kick them or abuse them or like one mean neighbor that actually left out food with poison for stray cats (karma got her---she forgot to pick up the food, her dog ate it and died---I felt sad for the poor dog but not her) 


But what makes me really ANGRY are people that move away and leave their cat behind---like it can find adequate food/water and protection from heat or cold weather etc....  If people are moving and can't take their pet, they need to find a no kill animal shelter or organization that will help find it a good home--DONT DUMP IT ON THE STREET!!! A beautiful old Himalyan cat was left behind.and luckily he found me to take him in and he had a nice life, but so many cats dont have a happy ending to their story..........Cat Sad


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We have a cat and a dog, and they are brothers, and partners in crime ... so to speak.


My cat Bogey is indoor, and always will be.  Like most indoor cats, he likes to look out the window and see what's going on in the neighborhood.  So, outside on the terrace we have a humingbird feeder ... and Bogey loves to watch all his birdie friends come by for drinks. 


 I also throw a handful of nuts out on the terrace every day and a couple squirrels come by to nibble.  It's really sweet to watch Bogey watching his "friends".   


I also have a neighbor with a cat about Bogey's age and, yes, he and I get them together once a week for a "play date".   LOL


Between our dog and neighbor cat, and the squirrels and hummers, Bogey has a full life as an indoor cat.

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nougat, I feel the same way--I do sometimes think that cats who are kept indoors 24/7 are missing out on the fun of running around in the fresh air, climbing trees, etc. If you're willing to pay, you can install things to keep them in your yard but do keep in mind that just because your cat can't get out, other critters CAN get in.


But I'm sure my BooBoo wouldn't be 13 years old now if we had let him out.


There are plenty of toys to keep them occupied and unless they WANT to be "only children" (my Boo does), adopting two cats at a time is a good way for them to keep each other company, play, etc. And of course there are tons of toys, and especially cat trees, they can amuse themself with.

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@Nightowlz wrote:

I know what you mean. Our next door neighbor has 3 dogs he does not take care of. I don't even know why he wants them.

His daughter rented a house without a fenced yard so she dropped off her dog. Have not seen her since.

His 2 dogs don't get along with hers so they caged hers up. Now they let it lose & caged up the other 2. They are in small caged dirt areas with no shelter from the heat or cold with the pins full of dog poo because it does not clean it up.

DH told him last weekend he needed to clean the poo as it was not humane for the animals. He looked at him like there was no way he was touching dog poo. He has OCD so guess that's a problem for him. Poor Dogs. He still has not cleaned it up & does not plan to. It's disgusting. 

I'm almost 100% sure these dogs have never had any shots, never seen a vet, never had a bath etc.

He has to keep the dogs separate because one of the two he owns is a killer dog. They are all mean but the one would probably kill you if you went in their yard.

A small dog got thru their fence a couple of summers ago & it killed the dog. Had it in it's mouth slinging it around like it was a ragdoll.

Neighbor on our other side got a dog for what I don't know. He also threw it out in the backyard a pays no attention to it.

What's wrong with people? If you don't want to take care of your pets you should not own them or even be able to own them.



We have a neighbor that unfortunately thinks the leash law means that it's OK for her to put a leash on her 2 dogs and then let them loose to run all around the neighborhood with leashes dragging behind, she doesn't pick up after them either............If she won't or can't take care of the dogs--she shouldnt have them!


People get mad at some animal shelters because they are so picky on who they allow to adopt the cats or dogs.  But they are trying to make it clear to make them think about it because its a serious 20 year commitment---They want to make sure the animal goes to a really good home and doesnt end up neglected or on the street!

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awww, that does sound like a nice full life for Bogey! you really do things to make his indoor life interesting and that is great! 


I know people who have indoor cats and dont even give them a toy to play with or any different food than the same dry kibble year after year!! what a boring existance that would be! thats what I was meaning in my last post.


glad you are such a good fur mama!! Heart

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@mwmc wrote:

I got my cat when he was 2. He was a trap and release. Tried to make him indoor. Couldn't do it, so we take him out on a leash. Yes, I walk my cat like a I also take him for car rides and he sticks his head out the window like a dog.  We only allow him to do that in our neighborhood  where the speed limit is 15. We take him to petsmart to walk around. He never goes outside unsupervised. He wants to go out he goes on a leash, no exceptions.



That is so neat that your cat is leash trained....I tried it but my cats never cooperated...LOL Cat LOL  There was neighbor that leash trained her cat and she would walk her sweet! 

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