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I'm fuming and sad at the same time.


Two sweet little kitties that used to wander the neighborhood and would occasionally come by for a visit, now have pictures of them are posted on mailboxes with "Have you seen my cat?" om them.


These are the nicest little cats. One is a huge gray tabby; he looks like a gorilla and his voice is a high-pitched squeek. When he shows up on our deck wanting BooBoo to come out and play, BooBoo gets furious and tells him, "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"


The other cat is Lucie, who is the sweetest, friendliest cat ever. When I would go for a walk, Lucie would meet me on the way back: "Hi! how are you today? Did you have a good walk? Can I come over and play?"


DAMMIT! I hate to see this! If you don't want the responsibility of taking proper care of your companion animal, DON'T HAVE ONE!



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Cats will wander, they are curious, maybe they will come back.


If they have been spayed/neutered, they become territorial and usually stay close to home.    Hope they show up soon.

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@FuzzyFace wrote:

I'm fuming and sad at the same time.


Two sweet little kitties that used to wander the neighborhood and would occasionally come by for a visit, now have pictures of them are posted on mailboxes with "Have you seen my cat?" om them.


These are the nicest little cats. One is a huge gray tabby; he looks like a gorilla and his voice is a high-pitched squeek. When he shows up on our deck wanting BooBoo to come out and play, BooBoo gets furious and tells him, "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"


The other cat is Lucie, who is the sweetest, friendliest cat ever. When I would go for a walk, Lucie would meet me on the way back: "Hi! how are you today? Did you have a good walk? Can I come over and play?"


DAMMIT! I hate to see this! If you don't want the responsibility of taking proper care of your companion animal, DON'T HAVE ONE!



This was a big problem when I lived in California.  On my street, neighbors let their cats wander outside all the time.  What I didn't appreciate is when they'd get into my backyard and go after wildlife like birds and chipmunks.  Our friends "lost" their cat and they were pretty certain a mountain lion or coyote got it.  I don't understand why anybody would put their pet at risk.  I now live in GA.  In my neighborhood and the surrounding ones, they are multiple posts about missing cat or dog, found cat or dog or seen an animal running down the road.  It's sad really.

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Our two cats are indoor cats. There are times I’d like for them to play in the backyard but they don’t. A busy street is on the other side of the privacy fence so that’s a big no.


Unfortunately there will always be irresponsible pet owners. Pets are great companions for people but not everyone has the means and/or knowledge to properly care for them. 



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I like cats but plenty of people do not. 


It's their nature to hunt but I'd rather not see or hear it.



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You're so right!  People should be responsible pet parents.


The ACO in my area has advised not to let pets out unattended.  Coyotes prey on small pets.  Even large dogs could be in danger as coyotes often run in packs.  And, one from the pack will sometimes lead the dog into the woods with them and they all attack, so even large animals don't have a chance.


Just hoping nothing bad happens to these sweet kitties and that their parents learn from this experience.

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It annoys the you know what out of me.  We have a neighbor that feeds the strays, so of course they keep coming back.


My cat would go beserk if a stray or outdoor cat crossed the front lawn - I would be afraid of her when it happened.


It got to a point where I wasn't able to open my windows on nice days or leave the front door open - we have a full glass storm door.  She died in April and as much as I miss her and would like another one, I just can't do it anymore because of the fear factor and the possibility of having to keep the house closed up 365 days a year.


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I agree.  A few cats wander into our yard from time to time.  I wish that, if somebody lets their cat out, they would at least put a collar on.  I'm not sure if these are strays or have a home.  I've left food out, but it was left untouched.


I sure hope those two kitties return home, safe and sound.

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I know what you mean. Our next door neighbor has 3 dogs he does not take care of. I don't even know why he wants them.

His daughter rented a house without a fenced yard so she dropped off her dog. Have not seen her since.

His 2 dogs don't get along with hers so they caged hers up. Now they let it lose & caged up the other 2. They are in small caged dirt areas with no shelter from the heat or cold with the pins full of dog poo because it does not clean it up.

DH told him last weekend he needed to clean the poo as it was not humane for the animals. He looked at him like there was no way he was touching dog poo. He has OCD so guess that's a problem for him. Poor Dogs. He still has not cleaned it up & does not plan to. It's disgusting. 

I'm almost 100% sure these dogs have never had any shots, never seen a vet, never had a bath etc.

He has to keep the dogs separate because one of the two he owns is a killer dog. They are all mean but the one would probably kill you if you went in their yard.

A small dog got thru their fence a couple of summers ago & it killed the dog. Had it in it's mouth slinging it around like it was a ragdoll.

Neighbor on our other side got a dog for what I don't know. He also threw it out in the backyard a pays no attention to it.

What's wrong with people? If you don't want to take care of your pets you should not own them or even be able to own them.

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that sounds like a complete nightmare to live next to!!  i feel for you!

dont you have an SPCA that comes to rescue abused dogs and takes them away?

there has to be a dog rescue group you can call, if not for the poor dogs but the safety of all around, human & animal from aggresive dogs like these.


they need to be taken and either adopted out or evaluated for their viciousness!