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Re: Just when you thought it was safe after July

Love Christmas, but not now.

Seems like more and earlier than ever.


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Re: Just when you thought it was safe after July

I'm uninterested. Every time I look at what is on, it's fiber optic stuff, which I really dislike.

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Re: Just when you thought it was safe after July

I have Christmas stuff for 53 years---I don't want any more doo dads ---I did see some little cars and a puny track ----my boys had hot wheels sets that were bigger and looked way more fun than those on Q
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Re: Just when you thought it was safe after July

It's the joy of Christmas and the agony of repeats.

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Re: Just when you thought it was safe after July

Just saw on the news that a Sam's Club in Tampa already has their Christmas decorations out! Other stores will follow in two weeks! All to supposedly spur the Christmas "spirit." I've been joking for years that time goes by so fast, we may as well leave our decorations up all year long!