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Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

I think another thing that bothers so many is that she was married at the time this all happened..I think there are very few that could even begin to "understand" behavior ike this..And yet, if I am not mistaken, these two have been together longer than she and he first husband were, so who am I to say this was not a "successful" relationship..Anyone who stays together for more than 20 years is  very "long term" by todays standards...


I have empathy for all involved, but I must say I A glad that this wasnt MY son..

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Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

@Moonchilde wrote:



This just in -


Per Vili, they are still in love and everything's fine between them. "It's not what you think."


Apparently he wants to become a marijuana entrepreneur and since she served time for a felony, he couldn't be licensed if they were together. Hence separation and not divorce.


Well, in that case! Lol

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Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

@Moonchilde wrote:

@muttmom wrote:

@Moonchilde wrote:

@muttmom wrote:

@Bri36 wrote:

They have hurt so many people because of their  relationship 


She has children from both marriages.


The whole story makes me sick to my stomach but he's capitalized financially from selling his story.  I do not think he is highly educated and skilled to do much of anything.



And no school district in their right mind would hire her to teach.

I doubt she still has a certification to be a teacher.  Wasn't she a convicted of having sex with minor?



There is that as well. But there are "schools" that don't look into that very thoroughly :-( Same with MDs that have their licenses yanked - they do end up practicing medicine.

Sometimes they slip through the cracks.  That's not likely the case for the majority though.

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

@pdlinda wrote:

She's a registered sex offender so cannot even appear on any school grounds, no less be hired to teach!  I read where she wasn't even allowed to visit her daughter who was hospitalized due to her SO status.  Being a Registered SO has severe ramifications throughout a person's life and her restrictions are very limiting...


*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

[ Edited ]

"Vili Fualaau explained to Radar Online that the split is merely to protect his business interests to get licensed as a distributor for "Cigaweed" mariju*na cigarettes. 'It's not necessarily what you think,' the now 33-year-old Fualaau reportedly told the tabloid. 'Of course [we are still in love]. A piece of paper doesn't break someone's feelings! When you want to get licensed, they do background checks on both parties,' he reportedly said. 'If I decide to be a part of it I have to be licensed and I have to be vetted and so does a spouse. She has a past. She has a history.' But Letourneau¿s former teen lover insists he still wants a life with her and said he¿s still totally head over heels for his former teacher!" And there you have it



This is a comment from ukdailymail.


Not sure if it is true??

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Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

I lived in the Seattle area when it all started & the local TV news had stories every evening about them.  I recall them being found together in her parked car in the middle of the night when they were supposed to have zero contact with each other & off to jail she went.  Just a very weird twisted story......

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Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

@Moonchilde wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

I question....once he turned of legal age,

why are we not questioning HIS motives?

He had every single day while she was in prison to

re-evaluate his life's path...but yet he chose to

marry her once she was released.  


I'll the first to say this relationship is faaaaar from normal,

but right now, I could throw a stick & hit at least a couple dozen

people who have grown up with parent abuse and/or witness their

parents spousal their perceived 'normal' family unit.


But with Mary Kay & Vili, there's something eerily 'OK'

with their family.  His love for her transcended so much...

almost disappointed it didn't work out.





I think his heritage, and his mother, contributed to that. He's either Samoan or Fijian, and to some extent in those cultures traditionally, older/younger is not a bad thing. And I remember when all of this was going on when he was still underage, his mother never put up much of a fuss.

Samoans are extremely conservative from what I gather.  Maybe there is something to that; maybe it's not.

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

Lasting damage to this young man, his parents and siblings, all of MKLs children and her first husband. Not really caring about the state of MKL. She's a broken individual who doesn't recognize what her actions have done. And what do broken people do? They break people.  

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

@missy1 wrote:

"Vili Fualaau explained to Radar Online that the split is merely to protect his business interests to get licensed as a distributor for "Cigaweed" mariju*na cigarettes. 'It's not necessarily what you think,' the now 33-year-old Fualaau reportedly told the tabloid. 'Of course [we are still in love]. A piece of paper doesn't break someone's feelings! When you want to get licensed, they do background checks on both parties,' he reportedly said. 'If I decide to be a part of it I have to be licensed and I have to be vetted and so does a spouse. She has a past. She has a history.' But Letourneau¿s former teen lover insists he still wants a life with her and said he¿s still totally head over heels for his former teacher!" And there you have it



This is a comment from ukdailymail.


Not sure if it is true??

You've GOT to be kidding! Just when I was a little sympathetic, THIS comes out! 


I was going to ask what they do for money. Their two girls seem happy. And I guess the two of them are in love.


After reading about them and the Macrons, I think these women had to have been "looking" for something their husbands couldn't give them. But in both cases they left their children behind. How could a mother DO that and put their families through so much  pain? I will never understand. 


But they have been together a long time. I guess it happens. 

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Registered: ‎06-29-2010

Re: Just read that Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband separated!

Sorry to hear.  I think they deserve one another. 


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