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@Athome2  My heart hurts for you. I’m so sorry for your loss. I too have a 26 year old son and I can’t imagine losing him. Just know that my thoughts are with you. 

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Re: Just lost our son

[ Edited ]

@Athome2   Dear mom-yes, there are posters here, including myself, who have gone through the heartache of losing a child.  You are not alone even though right now it may feel so.  I'm sorry for all your troubles; and I promise to light a candle for you and all your loved ones. Heart


Sermon on the Most Holy Eucharist - Gloria Dei

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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@Athome2  I am so very sorry. Sending you and your family prayers, strength, and comfort. Words cannot express my true and heartfelt sympathy.

"Dogs heal hearts they never broke"
RIP Lexi aka "Momma" 1/15/24
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@Athome2 There are no words.  It's heartbreaking to lose a child.  As a mother, you do everything to keep them safe, away from harm.  Your child faced so many struggles and heartbreak and it had to have been difficult for you to watch him go through it.


Your son will, always, be that young man, never to age, never to struggle any longer, never to be hurt and at peace.  It is the ones they leave behind that are left with the grief, the loss, the why's and the burden.


I pray for you and your family to sustain all of you through this unbearably cruel time.  I pray that at some point, you will be able to remember the joy he brought into your life, his smile and his hugs and all that he accomplished and not the pain of his struggles.


As my husband, always, said......children do not come with instructions.............but he was your loving child and he grew up in your love.  Please be kind to yourself during this time that is filled with so much pain.

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@Athome2  I am so sorry.  No words can describe your pain, but please reach out to us and to your family and friends.  This is the time that you might prefer to grieve alone, but we are all here to help you.  If you are religious and attend a church, synagogue, or temple, please reach out to them.  

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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I’m checking in here as things unfold at home. I can’t say how much I appreciate this. I almost didn’t post here because I’m such a loner but I’m so glad I did. May God bless you all
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@Athome2 @I am so sorry for your loss. Losing a child is the deepest loss of all. I know the pain, it is a knife to the heart. Overtime, a scar will form as everyone's life goes on.

Some advice. Please take your time to grieve. Accept help from those that offer. Accept that some people do not know what to say or act around you. Accept that some people say stupid things. You may have moments when something reminds you of your child and you may break down in the supermarket. Seek medical advice if you cannot sleep or eat. Accept that  dwelling on any quilt is fruitless. You could not have prevented this.This never goes away but in time, you will heal.


The Compassionate Friends is a worldwide organization of people who have lost a child by any means. Check and see if there is one in your community. I went to private grief counseling but this group of people who experienced a loss helped me immensely. I went for many years and developed friendships with people who understood.


I wish you peace. 

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Im so sorry to hear of your loss of your beloved son. Praying for you and your family.  God bless you and your family.





Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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Lifting you up in prayers @Athome2.  We are here for you and on whatever forum you post on.  Heart

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
Posts: 35
Registered: ‎10-14-2016

First of all, I am so sorry. I am not a mother, but losing someone you love is beyond words. I pray that you and your family stay strong through this period of life, and my thoughts are with you.