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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎06-30-2013

Just Who Are We To Be Casting The Stones? Paula Deen

I truly wish that the 12 companies that have decided to "oust" Paula Deen from their kingdom(s) would have taken the stance that QVC has made. Who of us at one time or another has not said something (and not necessarily the N word) that was disparaging and simply ugly toward someone of another skin color or ethnicity? Count me in with the rest. I'm not proud of it, however we are all human and we make mistakes, big mistakes! You know what?...God's Word says that not one sin is worse than another. Sin is Sin and a Mistake is a Mistake! It's not a white thing, or black thing, or brown thing, or yellow thing.

The media and Hollywood "types" and persons of certain races have made this into a white race thing. They are so wrong. It just so happened that this time a famous and notable person who happens to be a Caucasian got caught. Where were the rock-throwers when the thousand upon thousand of times whites were the target of verbal assaults thrown out over the airwaves at BET alone?

God's Word tells us that if we are unwilling to forgive, we will not be forgiven by Our Father in Heaven; ...without forgiveness it is impossible to enter into Heaven".

QVC, I commend you on the stance you have taken. My prayer is that the other companies will take a step back and re-think the choice they have made. It's not too late.

God Bless...