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@lilypadfrog wrote:

I received a jury summons too.  I have never served.  If I need to go, they will be surprised.  When I retired I donated all of my "good" clothes so now I live in tshirts, jeans and sneakers.  I also have an orthotic on my leg from my foot to my knee.  I had to split one leg of a pair of jeans in order to have something to wear.  I can't drive since its on my right leg and there is no public transportation out my way.  I have been using Lyft drivers to go to medical appts.  


My doctor said I could serve so no medical excuse.  The jury admin wouldn't accept the problematic transportation as an excuse not to come.  So I hope when I call in August 13, I won't be chosen.  I won't buy clothes just for jury duty.  And, whatever they pay, it won't begin to cover a Lyft driver to / from.  

@lilypadfrog  🙁 So sorry they will not give you some leeway.  At least your doctor could have stood up for you. 

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

I sat from 8 AM To 4:30 PM .....8 1/2 hours. Never called.... Now they expect me to return tomorrow at 9AM.



At least you showed up and were willing to serve. Good for you. 

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I forgot about jury duty pay as mentioned in the post above .... my mother received $9 a day (State of PA) After the first three days (in her state) the pay increases.

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@lilypadfrog  This doctor used poor judgement, wonder if you can get a second opinion with a compassionate doctor.  Sad to hear this.

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9AM ....I am back for another day.  See if I sit all day again or if I get assigned. I hope this is the last day. I do not want to be picked for a jury.

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In DC, ppl get picked every 2 yrs like clockwork b/c the jury pool is so thin.  The lady across the aisle from me had DC grand jury duty every day for 3 months (!).  When she returned, she joked that she could quit her job and write for "Law & OrderSmiley FrustratedVU" b/c she was on a sex crimes panel.  And the old saw about DAs being able to indict a ham sandwich if they want to is pretty much true - they no-billed only a handful of ppl.


Another coworker had grand jury duty in my county, but it only met once a week.


The secretary for one of our VPs was sequestered for a federal trial related to 9/11 that lasted 6 weeks.  She could see her family once a week and they would bring toiletries and books.  When she returned, she announced that it was 9/11 related and that's all she was allowed to say so don't ask her about it.

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In MD, jury duty per diem is $15/day.  If you are selected for a trial, it increases to $50/day starting on the 6th day.


This $15/day obviously hasn't been adjusted for inflation since it hasn't changed since the 1st time I had jury duty in the late 1990s.


Federal jury duty pay is $50/day.  Ppl on the Bob Mueller grand jury have appealed/petitioned for more $$$ as it comes out to less than DC's minimum wage of $13.25/hr (vs. $7.25/hr federal, which hasn't changed in about a decade).  Incidentally, MD's minimum wage is $10.10/hr but here in Montgomery County it's $11.50/hr.

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In NJ it's $5 a day for the first 3 days - now mind you, public transportation is almost $20 round trip.  For me it's two buses AND two trains for a one way trip.


From the 4th day it goes to $40 which is probably why they make sure most cases are over and done with within the 3 days.


Grand jurors it's $5 - no increase.

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Well I did get picked for jury duty.  I am on the first day of the trial. It should rap up tomorrow.  I just sat there and said nothing with a blank stare....they still picked me. Oh well.....😶

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Hope it is at least interesting, @SeaMaiden.  Bright side is, it could have been much longer.