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Re: Job dilemma!! . . . youngest daughter

@feline groovy wrote:


Her current place has an increasing amount of negative vibes and bad energy, both stressful.



Her current boss sounds too mercurial so I wouldn't count on her employment there in the future.



Her possible new job has a positive atmosphere, a friend who's an employee, more money, appreciation for her work, and is willing to accommodate her to a degree.



Her no-brainer choice, IMHO:  take the new job offer!  Cat Tongue

Ha ha!  I love the way you put things, JSS!!  No nonsense, a true Jersey gal !!  Plus, I agree.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Job dilemma!! . . . youngest daughter

@hckynut wrote:




Hi to you and I hope you are healing. I read your thread in the Wellness Forum, but since I am a klutz and running into doors and pointed table ends is common place, not much I could offer you. 


You would freak out in horror if you ever saw the lower part of my legs. Scars/scabs/dents in my shin bones, just to name a few. And the top of my head? Pretty much the same. 


I was very sorry to read about your collision and hope you are healing? I am quite sure you will now find some type of light source before heading down your hallways?


This topic? For me it would be a no brainier. Even though I used to love confrontations with my superiors, not so in this case.


Money to me is, and has always been secondary to me. Living as happy and as stress free life was and is my priority. If your daughter likes and trusts this friend that offered her the job in NYC? Were it my choice I would choose it in a heartbeat.


Take care and you can tell your daughter my view on this. Either way I think she will figure out what is best for her.







Thanks for your empathy, John.  I can honestly say I have never been a clumsy person, but I have to admit my spacial perceptions are off these days, which is why I stopped driving. 


I am getting better, most of the bruising is gone, but there's still soreness and some pain when I take a deep breath.  I'm not worried about infection anymore though, I think it would have happened by now.


Money is not that important to me either . . . if I happen to have a windfall I wind up giving it away anyway.  I'm lucky that I worked so long (40 years) and made good money the last ten, so my SS is quite high, almost limit level.  Plus at my age and state of health, there is a lot open to me if I need it.  I came from one of those places a year ago and I know I could always go back if I had to.  And it was beautiful there.


I will tell my daughter you have approved her taking the new job, LOL!  She will get a kick out of "hckynut's" approval !!

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Job dilemma!! . . . youngest daughter

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

I would definitely tell your daughter to make a pro con list and I would also have her check out the new company and their reputation with BBB and  other  places online that review employers. 


I think that since she knows how her current boss is so dysfunctional and flaky it is kind of a no brainer though (if the other company checks out). She already knows how much she dislikes it and how stressful it is. If the new company doesn't have a bad rep, I would take it. I would also make sure everything the new company says in in writing. 


She is also getting the chance to do some work with them before actually taking the job so that will be a good time to see how she feels about that work environment. 

I agree 100% Irshgrl, you made some good points!

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Re: Job dilemma!! . . . youngest daughter

I would make sure that she had both offers IN WRITING before she made any decisions.  I have seen verbal offers evaporate in a heartbeat.  If it is not in writing it does not exist.

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Re: Job dilemma!! . . . youngest daughter

@GCR18 wrote:

I think she should do a thorough job researching the NYC company and the benefit package.  My sister quit her job to go work with a former co-worker.  He offered her a bigger salary, etc.  She jumped at it.  After six months, she was told her job was eliminated.  It was a small company and they grew too fast and didn't have money for salaries.  Personally, I wouldn't do it.

This is not a small company.  But I certainly see your point.  However, the job she has now I wouldn't call it foolproof because this guy is so erratic.  Anything could happen here too.  No job is a sure thing anymore these days.


What you described did happen to me years ago, and I was still supporting four kids by myself.  The guy went out of business and I had to go to small claims court to get my last month's pay.  I then picked up the "temporary" job at which I worked for 24 years and was the job I retired from.


Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Job dilemma!! . . . youngest daughter


ITA.  Seems like it would be an easy decision . . . but it's not!! 


So she'll do these four projects for the new company and take it from there.  Her friend (and former manager) has assured her they will love her work.  And I'm sure they have already seen some of it, as she took her brochure to the interview and they already told her what her salary would be.

Is her current employer on board with her doing work for another company while in their employ? Hopefully she doesn't have a non-compete clause.

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Re: Job dilemma!! . . . youngest daughter

You said they already told her what her salary will be. Isn't she going to negotiate? I hope so. And I agree, get the offer in writing. Good luck to her. 

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Re: Job dilemma!! . . . youngest daughter

@gabstoomuch wrote:

Why are people so judgemental and condescending? Lilac has been around these boards for a long time.


Chastizing her about "what she posts" and "oo, watch out someone might read it" is exactly why hardly no one posts here anymore.


Lilac did not ask if her post was acceptable for all posters. She is just picking brains for other thoughts to bring up while she has this job discussion with her daughter. I don't see a problem with that?


**steps down off soap box*


It gets old.....


Getting lots of opinions helps people sort out their mind for something like making a big job move (or not).


 I have often found on these boards as a often reader infrequent poster that it is not WHAT is posted but WHO posts is. The same subject can be posted by two different people and the responses will be geared at the poster and not the topis.


That said...Just one side note - I know the OP said her daughter is not moving to NYC and would not. Just a thought on the 18K raise..NYC has their own tax..not sure how that is calculated if you only work one day a week there or what..but throwing that out there.


SInce she is single..I would probably say go for it!


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Re: Job dilemma!! . . . youngest daughter

@CouponQueen wrote:

@gabstoomuch wrote:

Why are people so judgemental and condescending? Lilac has been around these boards for a long time.


Chastizing her about "what she posts" and "oo, watch out someone might read it" is exactly why hardly no one posts here anymore.


Lilac did not ask if her post was acceptable for all posters. She is just picking brains for other thoughts to bring up while she has this job discussion with her daughter. I don't see a problem with that?


**steps down off soap box*


It gets old.....


Getting lots of opinions helps people sort out their mind for something like making a big job move (or not).


 I have often found on these boards as a often reader infrequent poster that it is not WHAT is posted but WHO posts is. The same subject can be posted by two different people and the responses will be geared at the poster and not the topis.


That said...Just one side note - I know the OP said her daughter is not moving to NYC and would not. Just a thought on the 18K raise..NYC has their own tax..not sure how that is calculated if you only work one day a week there or what..but throwing that out there.


SInce she is single..I would probably say go for it!


That is so true in my case.  I could say I'm enjoying watching the squirrels play outside my window (which I am), and they would take offense at it.


Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986