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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

Amazon is having a job fair here...their starting pay is $15 an hour and they need to fill 1300 I would have to say the job market is looking good
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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

@Nbo wrote:

Finding a job hasn’t been the problem for about 8 years . Problem is that wages are  not that great. 

THIS.^^^^^   Most people I know have to work 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet, sadly.

Wear a mask. Social distance. Be part of the solution - not part of the problem.
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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

@Isobel Archer wrote:

@Nbo wrote:

Finding a job hasn’t been the problem for about 8 years . Problem is that wages are  not that great. 

So then why the change in unemployment stats?

@Isobel Archer 


The increase in the number of people entering the job market, a documented error in the jobs numbers, and the end of the Baby Boomers‘s retirement numbers swelling the numbers of exits.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

I’ve heard unemployment is low. I can only tell about the job situation in my own family.


Individual #1 works construction.  He doesn’t own the company. He’s very skilled and does beautiful, detailed work. They work a full week and it’s physically demanding.


Individual #2 is a PA.  He has a graduate degree and cert. He works four 12 hour shifts each week. His job is demanding and challenging.


Second person makes over 4 times the yearly salary of first. Our country needs all kinds of workers in all kinds of fields. But not all workers have employment that provides wages that allow folks to pay their bills, their mortgage, and save for retirement.


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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

@Toppers3 wrote:

@JBKO wrote:

Thank you everyone. I wasn't able to reply yesteday because I didn't have access to the internet (getting a new phone). Anyway, I graduated in 2008. It was baddddd that year. Looking for work during that time was impossible. I'm still very hurt and affrected by it.

I'm very sorry that you were so negatively affected by this. Life can be very challenging at times. 


Many were negtively affected back then, and still are. Some had to take whatever job/s they could.


Hang in there. You're not alone. Heart







True, but there are others who made lemonade out of lemons.



They went back to school, updated their skills.



They didn't sit on their laurals and feel sorry for themselves.



They didn't make excuses.



They took charge of their life, and went out and made the changes themselves.



They didn't wait for someone to just hand them a job, they went out and earned that job.




I didn't see any of this reflected anywhere, when I was making my own comments to JBKO's posts.


Sometimes things keep happening in someone's life, where they don't want to share all of the personal details on a forum. That's more in line with what I was thinking. 


Sometimes people do absolutely pull themselves up in life, but then may be met with other setbacks in life as they go along.


Things may not always be what they seem to others, when they're looking at another person's life.

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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

@JBKO wrote:

Thank you everyone. I wasn't able to reply yesteday because I didn't have access to the internet (getting a new phone). Anyway, I graduated in 2008. It was baddddd that year. Looking for work during that time was impossible. I'm still very hurt and affrected by it.



2008 marked the culmination of an awful recession triggered by GM fail, years of Risky bank loans, and over building.  Many people lost their entire life savings.  It was a time of inhaling and rethinking.  


Sorry it affected you so deeply.  You are certainly not alone.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

Any position in  Direct Health   is a position in which one is responsible for someone's life . Some  positions such as MD or PA or NP  diagnose & prescribe medications & medical Rx.  As a Registered Nurse who remembers starting out at very low pay for many years.  No matter my pay scale  I  carried  the  same amount of liability in caring for patients . No room to make a mistake as  a mistake in delivering  health care to someone could be a  deadly mistake.  So,  maybe some job pay scales should be commensurate to their vital importance . I jsut don't get these atletes  being paid so much or movie stars. Do they save anyone's life as health care providers or First Responders do ?  Maybe the entire  pay scale for various jobs should be  reconsidered  as  the current system seems upside down.

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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

Amazon offers $15.00/hr.  Big deal.


Bezos just cut the health care benefits for Whole Foods employees.


It used to be workers who put in 20 hours/week qualified.  Now that has been bumped up to 30 hours/week to qualify for health care.


1,900 employees will be left without medical care. 


Whole Foods is struggling to find more hours throughout the stores for those employees and also looking into other ways to provide health insurance.


Way to go Bezos.  Keep taking your selfies.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

@Drythe wrote:

@JBKO wrote:

Thank you everyone. I wasn't able to reply yesteday because I didn't have access to the internet (getting a new phone). Anyway, I graduated in 2008. It was baddddd that year. Looking for work during that time was impossible. I'm still very hurt and affrected by it.



2008 marked the culmination of an awful recession triggered by GM fail, years of Risky bank loans, and over building.  Many people lost their entire life savings.  It was a time of inhaling and rethinking.  


Sorry it affected you so deeply.  You are certainly not alone.

I know of some people who lost all of their savings, and who had to start over. They're still having a difficult time today.


Sometimes I think that we just can't make up what we lost--that we may not be able to, because another job similar to what we used to have is no longer there, for instance, or maybe we're older and we're not able to work like we used to, and so on.


We never know what someone else may be going through in life, unless they choose to share it with us. 

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Re: Job Market in 2019. Have things Improved?

The job market here where I live is flourishing! Hasn't been this good in years! Everyone is happily working, hiring, looking for more help because their business is so busy. Life is certainly good! Hope it continues!

"Pure Michigan"