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Registered: ‎05-02-2017

Re: Job Interview on Tuesday



Relax! You know you have the qualifications or you would not have been selected for the interview!


Smile!  Yes, the smile will make you feel more calm and the interviewer can feel the friendliness in your voice!


Focus! Explain why you are the best candidate for the position--qualifications, experience and goals. Be organized and concise.


Persevere!  Yes, you want this, but it is not life-or-death. It is not always possible to know what an employer is seeking.


Best wishes!!

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Registered: ‎06-25-2014

Re: Job Interview on Tuesday

wishing you good luck on your phone interview tuesday.  will be keeping fingers crossed for you !! 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,491
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Job Interview on Tuesday

Phone interviews an be difficult because you can't see the person.


Depending on where you are taking the call, make sure you are in a quiet place with no one around and get rid of anything around you that could be distracting.

Dress as if its an in person interview.  It will help you speak and sit in the chair more professionally and be a constant reminder.


It's okay to say "let me think about that for a second."  Take your time in answering, don't just start speaking without thinking.


There may be times when the people on the phone are talking to each other or giving hand signals and it's quiet, don't jump in. (this is what we do in phone interviews) Wait for a question.

At the end, if they say "is there anything else," you can add anything you didn't get questioned on.



QVC Shopper - 1993